10 Years of Dirt on New Hampshire Cops I was forced to dig up for my case.

Rod Webber
18 min readMay 23, 2019


Being a simple person with simple needs, I was always taught that right is right, and wrong is wrong. As it turns out, laws don’t care about your morality. In fact — they don’t even care about other people’s morality. Laws only care about protecting power. I will grant you that every now and then, the system works for some people — but I’m guessing those people had a decent amount of money to start — because you need a fair amount to get the right kind of lawyer to take you through the process, in the case that “the system” comes for you.

Remember — If you are ever targeted by the police, (or someone in power), the courts don’t necessarily care that you catch the police, (or powerful person/ entity), doing something wrong. They like for you to prove that the bad police are bad police as a result of custom, policy or practice. This means that you’ve got to show the court all the past dirt on the cops.

Well, in 2015, when I was targeted, I was green too. And I didn’t know. I might have been green — but I don’t put up with bullies. I was grabbed from behind by an off-duty Manchester cop (James Pittman) who had partnered with a “security officer” from the Trump Campaign. But this wasn’t a Trump rally. It was the “No Labels Problem Solvers” convention. I was thrown over a table , and then roughed up some more. I was detained, then released. When I asked to press charges, Sgt. Aldenberg, along with other officers performed a retaliatory arrest. and So, I took them to court — which has been almost four years in the making — and quite an education. As a result, The City of Manchester has forced me to dig into their dirty laundry.

Now as a public service to any citizen journalists or bird-doggers who are on the New Hampshire campaign trail, I present you my findings. There is a short summary with the Pittman Affidavit, then we proceed into the misdeeds of the Manchester Police Department over the past ten years. You never know — you may need this for your own protection one day.

I will also point out that I am not a lawyer. This is not meant as legal advice. This is just one citizen journalist reporting what he has gone through, in case it ever happens to you. What you choose to do with this information is up to you.

My case is 1:18-cv-00931-LM, filed in NH District Court. Two judges have recused themselves, and the Defendants are: Donald Trump, The Trump Campaign, The Trump Organization, Inc. The Trump Organization, LLC, XMark, LLC (NC), XMark, LLC, — which are the shell companies of Trump security officer Edward Deck, New Hampshire State Rep/ Trump Staffer Fred Doucette, Officer Alan Aldenberg, Officer James Pittman, Officer Brian Cosio, Officer Daniel Craig, The City of Manchester. I have other articles about my case here on Medium, and DailyKos.

Much love to MUCKROCK, where you can find much of this information straight from the source.


On Oct 12th, Officer Pittman files a police report/ affidavit which is full of obvious factual inaccuracies which can be easily disproven with video of the incident. Defendant Pittman perjures himself in the process. The true statements made in the report illustrate that Defendants Deck and Pittman were working together, such as, “As Mr. Deck and I approached Webber,” and “Mr. Deck and I then began to escort Webber out of the building.” Some of the statements which are clearly not factual were, “ I was later informed by Mr. Deck that Webber was yelling derogatory remarks about the Trump Security Staff,” and “Mr. Deck also stated that Webber said ‘I’m not fucking listening to you.’” Plaintiff clearly did not say these things. One sentence which Defendant Pittman wrote in his affidavit contradicts itself within the sentence itself, claiming the Plaintiff was, “pushing his body against me,” yet the backward push, (according to Defendant Pittman), made the Plaintiff, “fall forward” as a result. Defendant Pittman also erroneously indicated that Defendant Deck had some authority in this situation by stating, “Mr. Deck further stated that during the entire incident he asked Webber to leave approximately three times, and he refused.” Defendant Pittman erroneously concludes the report by stating, “There is also probable cause to believe that Webber committed the act of RSA 642:2 Resisting Arrest or Detention due to physically interfering with a person recognized as law enforcement who was seeking to effect detention.” As noted before, Defendant Pittman grabbed Plaintiff from behind, making it impossible for Plaintiff to, “recognize as law enforcement,” Defendant Pittman.

Here is the original affidavit: PITTMAN AFFIDAVIT

RSA 644:2 (M) Disorderly Conduct
RSA 642:2 Resisting Arrest or Detention
On 10/12/2015 I Officer Pittman was in the uniform of the day. I was assigned to the Radisson Hotel Detail (700 Elm Street) for the Presidential Candidate Detail.
At approximately 11:40 I was approached by a Trump Security Officer who stated that they said they were going to need help with a disruptive male in the crowd. The security Officer was identified as Edward Deck (11/16/1954).
At this point Candidate Donald Trump was in the middle of a speech in front an estimate of two thousand people. Mr. Deck and I approached the male in the crowd who was later identified as Rod Webber (DOB: 10/08/1973).
As Mr. Deck and I approached Webber he became very disruptive. Mr. Deck stated that he asked Webber to leave when we approached him. Webber then refused to leave, and raised one of his hands to the crowd and began to yell statements. I was later informed by Mr. Deck that Webber was yelling derogatory remarks about the Trump Security Staff. I then grabbed Webber`s arm and attempted to escort him out of the building. When I grabbed his arm he became very tense. Mr. Deck and I then began to escort Webber out of the building. The entire time I was attempting to escort him out of the building he was pushing his body backwards making it difficult to escort him, he was also making loud statements, in front of the crowd who were attempting to listen to Trump speak. As we got into the lobby I had Webber`s right arm behind his back. He was being extremely uncooperative and was resisting my grip by remaining tense and pushing his body against me, in doing so he ended up falling forward and to the right into a vendor table in the lobby. During the fall Webber knocked over the table. It should be noted that when Webber fell in the lobby there were multiple people around, as well as people standing behind the table that was knocked over.
After the incident I spoke with Mr. Deck. Mr. Deck then informed me that he had asked Webber to move and that Webber replied by saying I`m not going anywhere, and refused. Mr. Deck also stated that Webber said “I’m not fucking listening to you”. Mr. Deck further stated that during the entire incident he asked Webber to leave approximately three times, and he refused.
Based on the statements and circumstances there is probable cause to believe that Webber committed the act of RSA 644:2 (M) Disorderly Conduct due to causing a breach of the peace, public inconvenience, and alarm, and not stopping his disorderly actions when asked by Mr. Deck. There is also probable cause to believe that Webber committed the act of RSA 642:2 Resisting Arrest or Detention due to physically interfering with a person recognized as law enforcement who was seeking to effect detention.


Defendant City of Manchester violated Plaintiff’s civil rights because it has established and maintained policies, practices, and customs that resulted in the violations to the Plaintiff. Manchester Police Internal Affairs Investigation reports indicate a pattern of misconduct by Defendant City of Manchester. Based upon information and belief, this pattern of misconduct, (and sometimes unlawful behavior), is the result of custom, policy or practice. Of the documented years, available to the public, (2008–2017), there were at least 96 claims of rudeness/ conduct unbecoming (21 substantiated), 35 allegations of ineffective service (22 substantiated), 41 claims of unnecessary/ excessive force (2 substantiated), 62 allegations of Improper police action/ Improper conduct/ unlawful conduct (46 substantiated), and 56 claims of Neglect of Duty, (45 substantiated). Other claims of misconduct included (but is not limited to illegal activity, unlawful conduct, unlawful arrest, threatening behavior, Police Harassment, Untruthfulness, theft, evidence tampering, ineffective police service, and racial bias.

Defendant City of Manchester has permitted its subordinates to make retaliatory arrests as in the cases of Kean v Manchester and Valentin v Manchester. Defendant City of Manchester has permitted its subordinates to commit multiple acts of assault, and even hit-and-runs, indicating it has not properly trained its officers in protecting citizen’s civil rights. There was the 2010 bar brawl at Strange Brew, involving Officer Michael Buckley, Officer Jonathan Duchesne, Officer Matt Jajuga and Lt. Ernie Goodno. Officer Ryan Nardone was found guilty of assault in 2010. In 2013 Officer Steven Coco was found guilty of hitting two pedestrians with his Police SUV and leaving the scene. Manchester Officer Christian Horn was charged with felony assault in 2014. Officer William Soucy was charged with assault in 2013. Officer Nathan Robert Linstad was charged with assault in 2012.

According to the Manchester Police Department’s own “2015 Summary of Internal Affairs (IA) Investigations” report, “In 2015, the Manchester Police Department supervised a total of 53 Internal Affairs investigations.” There were 22 allegations of unprofessional conduct, 11 allegations of unnecessary/ excessive force, 4 allegations of unlawful conduct, 1 allegation of biased complaint, 5 allegations of neglect of duty, 4 allegations of unsatisfactory performance, and 7 SOP violations (3 substantiated).

In 2015 there were 11 administrative investigations. 7 were substantiated.
In 2015 there were 6 formal investigations. 2 were substantiated.

In a memo from Captain Maureen Tessier to Chief Enoch F. Willard, Captain Tessier wrote, “Allegations of violations of SOPs related to prisoner control, social media use, report accountability and duty to obey were substantiated. Two of three separate investigations into Neglect of Duty were substantiated with the third still pending. Four officers were counseled with two officers provided with additional training as well. Five officers received written reprimands but no formal discipline resulted from any administrative investigation. The six formal IA investigations conducted in 2015 involved allegations with probable implications of criminal conduct or serious misconduct. One investigation into allegations against two employees of Conduct Unbecoming and a number of SOP violations resulted in one employee resigning from his employment during the investigation and the second employee receiving formal discipline. Another employee investigated for a different allegation of Conduct Unbecoming resigned in lieu of termination.” Tessier completed her review by stating, “an investigation into missing money from evidence did not sustain any allegation of criminal conduct.” However, Tessier indicated that the missing money was a result of policy, stating, “did result in policy change.”

Manchester Police’s 2014 Internal Affairs Investigations reported a total of 44 Internal Affairs investigations.
One employee was issued formal discipline when allegations of Insubordination and Neglect of Duty were substantiated. There were 11 allegations of unprofessional conduct, 1 allegation of unnecessary/ excessive force, 3 allegations of unlawful conduct, 2 allegation of biased complaint, 6 allegations of neglect of duty, 2 allegations of unsafe driving, and 4 SOP violations. Three of the allegations of the neglect of duty were sustained.

In a memo from Captain Maureen Tessier to Chief David J. Mara, Captain Tessier wrote, “The six formal IA investigations conducted in 2014 involved allegations with probable implications of criminal conduct. Three officers under separate investigations resigned from employment as a result of these investigations. All three matters were referred to the criminal investigative agency”… “One employee, exonerated of criminal wrongdoing, did receive formal discipline for Conduct Unbecoming an Officer, and another employee was issued a written reprimand and an oral reprimand for Improper Associations and Conduct Unbecoming.”

Manchester Police’s 2013 Internal Affairs Investigations reported a total of 38 Internal Affairs investigations.
There were 13 allegations of rudeness, (with 4 substantiated), 1 allegation of unnecessary/ excessive force, 4 allegations of Improper Conduct (with 2 substantiated), 1 allegation of biased complaint, 11 allegations of Ineffective service, (with 2 substantiated), 3 allegations of Neglect of Duty, (with 1 substantiated), 1 allegation of Release of Info, 3 allegations of Illegal Activity, and 1 allegation of Untruthfulness.

Manchester Police’s 2012 Internal Affairs Investigations reported a total of 48 complaints against Manchester PD.
There were 10 allegations of rudeness, 5 allegations of unnecessary/ excessive force, 5 allegations of Improper Conduct (with 1 substantiated), 1 allegation of biased complaint, 18 allegations of Ineffective service, (with 7 substantiated), 2 allegations of lost property, 2 allegations of illegal activity, 1 allegation of refusal to ID (1 substantiated), 2 allegations of threatening behavior, 2 allegations of Improper Police Action.

Manchester Police’s 2011 Internal Affairs Investigations reported a total of 58 complaints against Manchester PD.
There were 3 allegations of Conduct Unbecoming, (3 substantiated), 3 allegations of excessive force, 1 allegation of racial bias, 5 allegations of Unlawful Conduct, 17 allegations of Ineffective service, (with 9 substantiated), 20 allegations of Rudeness/ unprofessional (8 substantiated), 2 allegations of Police Harassment, 2 allegations of neglect of duty, (1 substantiated), 1 allegation of Improper Conduct, (1 substantiated), 3 allegations of Improper Police Action, (1 substantiated), 1 allegation of “Care of Property” (1 substantiated).

Manchester Police’s 2010 Internal Affairs Investigations reported a total of 58 citizen complaints against Manchester PD. There were 17 allegations of rudeness, (6 substantiated), 10 allegations of Ineffective service, (with 6 substantiated), 8 allegations of excessive force, (1 substantiated/ resulting in resignation), 1 allegation of harassment, 1 allegation of “threatening”, 3 allegations of Improper Police Action, 3 allegations of Neglect of Duty, (1 substantiated). 7 allegations of improper conduct/ unprofessional, (2 substantiated), 3 allegations of “Care of Property”, 1 allegation of “Reckless Operation”, (1 substantiated), 4 allegations of racial bias.
In 2010, 23 Administrative investigations alleging 32 complaints were filed in 2010. All of these complaints were investigated by the Manchester Police Department and resulted in the following: (in part)
1 complaint of excessive force (1 substantiated), 19 complaints of Neglect of Duty, (17 substantiated), 10 complaints of Improper Conduct, (9 substantiated).

Manchester Police’s 2009 Internal Affairs Investigations reported a total of 42 citizen complaints against Manchester PD. There were 11 claims of excessive force, 1 claim of neglect of duty (1 substantiated), 8 claims of Improper Conduct/ Unprofessional (3 substantiated), 1 claim of “official use of position.”
22 Administrative investigations alleging 29 complaints were filed in 2009. All of these complaints were investigated by the Manchester Police Department and resulted in the following: (in part)
8 claims of Neglect of Duty (8 substantiated), 1 claim of unlawful conduct (1 substantiated), 18 claims of improper conduct, (16 substantiated)

Manchester Police’s 2008 Internal Affairs Investigations reported a total of 38 citizen complaints against Manchester PD.
21 Administrative investigations alleging 21 complaints were filed in 2008. All of these complaints were investigated by the Manchester Police Department and resulted in the following: (in part)
9 claims of Neglect of Duty, (9 substantiated), 10 claims of Improper Conduct, (10 substantiated).

In 2017, (although after the incident in question), there were three allegations of Neglect of Duty, 12 allegations of “conduct unbecoming” (with 4 of those sustained) and 9 allegations of “Unlawful Conduct/ Arrest/ Entry”


4.A) Manchester Police Officer Michael Buckley participates in beating a man in a bar.
ACCORDING TO ADAM SEXTON reporting for WMUR-TV, (Published to YouTube March 3rd 2010)
Patron of the bar Strange Brew, Chris Micklovich was asked to leave. He asked why, and four off-duty cops beat him up, according to Micklovich. Chief David Mara wanted to investigate injuries.
A witness came forward. Internal investigation
Four officers were at the bar:
a. Officer Michael Buckley
b. Officer Jonathan Duchesne
c. Officer Matt Jajuga
d. Lt. Ernie Goodno
Source: Chief Mara, Manchester PD, (ACCORDING TO ADAM SEXTON reporting for WMUR)
WMUR-TV — Published on Mar 16, 2010

e. Attorney General MICHAEL DELANEY clears officers of criminal wrongdoing

f. Attorney General MICHAEL DELANEY said: “I also want to say that clearly this situation was not the Manchester police department’s finest hour,” Delaney said. He noted that an internal affairs review was conducted by Manchester police. He also said, “I recognize the police chief has disciplined officers,” he said. “I was asked to review this matter by the mayor, former County Attorney Bob Walsh and Chief David Mara.”

g) Manchester Police Officer Jonathan Duchesne participates in beating a man in a bar.
March 3rd 2010
For details, see 4A.

h. Manchester Police Officer Matt Jajuga participates in beating a man in a bar.
March 3rd 2010
For details, see 4A.

i. Manchester Police Lieutenant. Ernie Goodno participates in beating a man in a bar.
March 3rd 2010
For details, see 4A.

Manchester NH police officer found guilty of misdemeanor for hitting man in head at bar but jury hung on felony charge

In May 2010, Nardone was found guilty of simple assault —

UnlawfulShield.com‏ @AbolishQI
Manchester NH police officer found guilty of misdemeanor for hitting man in head at bar but jury hung on felony charge: http://is.gd/chYrE 4:02 PM — 20 May 2010

4.C) Manchester Police Officer Steven Coco GUILTY of running over Dean Drukker and Noah Hickman (2013)
According to Andy Hershberger reporting for WMUR-TV (Published to YouTube Mar 26, 2014)
Coco struck them from behind in an undercover police SUV.
Drukker suffered a serious head injury and was hospitalized
Hickman had a broken elbow
Judge Jillian Abramson agreed with state’s recommendation of 12 months in jail.
She said she did not think that Coco was telling the truth.

Detective arrested in hit-and-run had been visiting at fellow officer’s home
According to MARK HAYWARD and PAT GROSSMITH in the New Hampshire Union Leader Mar 26, 2013 mhayward@unionleader.com pgrossmith@unionleader.com
“On Tuesday, Manchester police Sgt. Stephen Coco was arrested and arraigned on felony charges stemming from the hit-and-run accident. Immediately, questions arose about why Coco was on Harrod Lane, a quiet, south Bedford residential street of about a dozen homes.”

Fired Manchester officer charged in Bedford hit and run to see pension
Anonymous entry in Union Leader, Mar 28, 2013 “
“MANCHESTER — Stephen Coco, the Manchester police sergeant who was fired and arrested following a hit-and-run accident on Friday in Bedford, won’t getting his pension right away, but once he does he could be getting about $37,100 a year.”

Reported Published on Apr 11, 2018
Officer Steven Cornacchia fired (Apr 11 2018) after being
arrested for conduct after an accident in alleged hit and run crash while off duty.
He was on leave since May of 2017

4.E) Officer Aaron Brown ACCUSED OF SEXUAL ASSAULT also fired
(April 11) — paid leave since Feb 2018. Being criminally investigated

4.F) Detective Darren Murphy of the special investigative drug unit was fired in February 2018.
Being criminally investigated, but unrelated to Brown.
Chief Nick Willard fired Murphy.

WMUR VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stHbFad89wM

WMUR PRINT: Police said Cornacchia, an officer with Manchester police since April 2013, struck a 22-year-old woman before 1:20 a.m. as he turned onto West Merrimack Street from Elm Street. https://www.wmur.com/article/manchester-officer-accused-of-striking-pedestrian-placed-on-leave/9660053

According to Mark Hayward written in the Union Leader, Jan 18, 2019
“MANCHESTER — City officials paid $45,000 to the woman at the center of a months-long investigation into the conduct of fired city police officers Darren Murphy and Aaron Brown, according to court documents.
Former Police Chief Nick Willard fired both officers last year. He fired Murphy, an undercover detective, last February. An internal investigation into Murphy led to a similar investigation regarding Brown, a street-level detective, whom Willard fired in April. Rogers’ attorney, Olivier Sakellarios, eventually filed a claim letter with the city asserting Murphy and Brown used their status as police officers to coerce Rogers into sex.”

According to Carol Robidoux written in Manchester Ink Link (April 11, 2018)
“The Manchester Police Department takes every accusation seriously while investigating all allegations made against our officers, and will hold those accountable who commit wrongdoing, as such, Chief Willard terminated two Manchester Police Officers today, Mr. Aaron Brown and Mr. Steven Cornacchia.
Mr. Brown, a former detective who had been employed by the City of Manchester Police Department since July of 2007, had been placed on paid administrative leave beginning February 20, 2018 until his termination today. A criminal investigation will be initiated into Mr. Brown’s actions. The department has consulted with both the Attorney General and County Attorney on this matter and will continue to do so.
Mr. Cornacchia has been employed by the City of Manchester Police Department since April, 2013. Mr. Cornacchia was on paid Administrative from May 14, 2017 to May 16, 2017 until he was arrested for Conduct After an Accident, after which he was on unpaid administrative leave pending his court case.”

Cornacchia collapses before sentencing Jan 24 2018
According to Mark Hayward mhayward@unionleader.com written in the Union Leader

4.G) Off-duty police officer charged in early Sunday hit and run in Manchester
According to PAT GROSSMITH in the New Hampshire Union Leader, May 17, 2017
“MANCHESTER — An off-duty city police officer is accused of hitting a woman with his car early Sunday morning and, after checking on her, fleeing the scene of the collision.
Steven Cornacchia, 31, of Manchester was arrested Tuesday and charged with a misdemeanor offense of conduct after an accident. He was released on $1,000 personal recognizance bail pending a June 20 arraignment in Manchester Circuit Court.”

4.H) Manchester police officer charged with felony assault on Cape Cod (2014)
According to Mark Hayward written in the New Hampshire Union Leader, sept 10, 2014
“Falmouth police arrested Christian Horn, 31, of Chester, NH, on two felony charges stemming from the alleged assault, which took place shortly after midnight on Aug. 24 outside the Sea Crest Beach Resort hotel, Falmouth police Lt. Sean Doyle said.”

4.I). Manchester police officer charged in domestic case (2013)
• According to MARK HAYWARD written in the New Hampshire Union Leader. Jul 10, 2013
HOOKSETT — A veteran Manchester police officer was arrested Tuesday and charged with assault on Tuesday, stemming from a domestic-related incident at his Hooksett home in April, Hooksett police said. Police said William Soucy, 52, turned himself in to police and was charged with misdemeanor assault. He was booked and released on his own recognizance.

4.J). Officer’s DWI charge leads to resignation (2012)
• According to SHAWNE K. WICKHAM written in the New Hampshire Sunday News Oct 21, 2012
MANCHESTER — The Manchester police officer charged with driving under the influence after he crashed his personal car into another vehicle on Interstate-93 last week has resigned from the police department. Police Chief David Mara told the New Hampshire Sunday News that David Connare submitted his resignation in a letter Friday afternoon. “I accepted it,” Mara said.
The chief said his department was awaiting the reports on the Oct. 16 crash from state police, who are doing the investigation.

4.K) Manchester Police Officer Charged in Domestic Assault (2012)
• According to GRETYL MACALASTER written in the Union Leader Correspondent. Sep 28, 2012
“RAYMOND — A Manchester police officer is facing a misdemeanor simple assault charge after allegedly throwing his wife to the ground during a domestic dispute.
Nathan Robert Linstad, 34, formerly of 19 Pond Road in Raymond, has pleaded not guilty to the charges through his attorney, according to court records.
He turned himself in to Raymond police on Sept. 13 after an arrest warrant was issued, and was released on personal recognizance bail with conditions stipulating he is not to possess any firearms, have contact with the victim or use alcohol or other drugs.”

4.L) Manchester officer charged in dispute with girlfriend resigns, will keep pension (2019)
According to Emily Brindley ebrindley@journalinquirer.com written in the Journal Inquirer, “Former Officer Jason Wagner, 40, resigned Thursday (March 14th 2019) from the Manchester Police Department. The Manchester Police Department charged him on March 1 with disorderly conduct and second-degree unlawful restraint.
Former Officer Jason Wagner, 40, submitted his letter of resignation Wednesday, becoming effective Thursday.” — Journal Inquirer


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