Proudboys vs Antifa, the devolution.

Rod Webber
14 min readJul 8, 2019


John Camden flips off the camera in Providence, RI

Twitter is full of polarized opinions and recently, the so-called Proudboys vs Antifa conflict and violent attacks on the press have been making the rounds. What happened to Andy Ngo was wrong, and it wasn’t helpful for anti-Trumpers, which is what the Trump-era Anti-Fa is, if we’re being truthful about the massive uptick in numbers since Trump’s election. Mainstream journalists flocked to condemn the attack, and rightfully so. The hypocrisy, (as I see it), is that the mainstream hounds indie videographers for video when they need it for a “hot” story. As a result, I’ve got plenty of contacts who I’ve mostly told no. The problem is, the mainstream has totally ignored the so-called Proud Boys vs Antifa conflict, and have been shamefully unresponsive to the mountains of footage I’ve sent them of Trumpers (AKA Proud Boys) attacking people around the country.

Part of the problem is in the naming. The Proud Boys are the unspoken violent wing of the Trump Campaign, and everyone knows it. Conversely, Antifa (in it’s contemporary iteration), is a convergence of what Occupy and Anonymous were starting to turn into, and it would be simpler just to say, “the far left,” (generally speaking.) The mutating iterations of either side is often just a reaction to the changing times. Sometimes, it is the result of in-fighting or cointelpro. Sometimes though, the re-branding is to avoid liability and responsibility, as I was told by members of Resist Marxism, (a Proud Boys mutation), who canceled their April 6th event at the behest of the Proud Boys because they got themselves into trouble with the courts. As far as collectivism goes, the distinction is nearly non-existent.

Here’s the devolution, from the perspective of what I have witnessed, (with a couple of anchor points thrown in). Neither side is monolithic, and there is much more to the conflict beyond what I’ve seen. There are factions and individuals who take individual actions. But in order to make the introduction to the devolution, it is necessary to speak in broad generalizations. And from my vantage, it is the right, (generally speaking), which has excelled in the realm of unwarranted violence. The left has mostly reacted, and appears to now be lashing out at anyone in the way, after a long stretch of being on the receiving end of the hurt. Truthfully, I have always seen it as more about up verses down, (power vs those without) — but that’s an entirely different discussion.

June 16, 2015: Trump announces he’s running for president. Soon, his goon squad, comprised of bodyguards, fans, and Proud Boy-supporting police would begin beating up all the lefties in opposition to Trump, which eventually will make Antifa become a thing, causing the Proud Boys to come into existence. The photos and videos of cops fist-bumping with Proud Boys will make it all make sense.

August 19, 2015: The Trumpers kick things off when the Leader Brothers in Boston beat and urinated on a homeless Mexican National in the name of Trump.

Sept 4, 2015: Trump goons beat Efrain Galicia and friends for protesting in front of Trump Tower.

Sept 17, 2015: Trump asks me to recite scripture at a Trump rally in New Hampshire, for which I am beaten afterwards. (Go to 22:48)

Oct 12, 2015: I’m thrown over a table (at a non-Trump event), for asking Trump if he was aware of the previous thrashing. (Go to 24:27). I was then detained by police, released, and later in the day when I asked to press charges, they performed a retaliatory arrest. The cops and the Trumpers then collaborated to falsify an affidavit, which is provable with the mountains of video evidence. However, I have now been dealing with court for nearly four years. There are hundreds of pages of documentation, with links to all the major documents. Trump re-routed the US mail to avoid being served the original papers, which required getting almost 4000 pages of FOIA documents to prove it. Trump’s lawyers even cite a law which suggests that his security can use lethal force, if they believe it was required for decorum. Totally normal.

Oct 14, 2015: Anti-Trumper Ronald Sanchez assaulted.

Oct 25, 2015: Anti-Trumper Ariel Rojas dragged and battered.

Nov 21, 2015:Anti-Trumper Mercutio Southall battered.

Feb 2016: Trump offers to pay the legal fees to supporters who attack Trump dissenters, saying “knock the crap out of ‘em.”

Feb 2016: Trump gives the “punch ’em in the face” speech.

March 1, 2016: Anti-Trumper Kashiya Nwanguma attacked by Matthew Heimbach, (leader of white supremacist group), at Trump rally “on the orders of Trump,” as told by Heimbach in his counter lawsuit.

March 9, 2016: Fayetteville NC Trump rally organized by Pete Tilly, and the Tilly family, card-carrying neo-nazis as PBS were embarrassed to realize after they did a story about them. Apparently they didn’t notice the obvious white-power tattoos.

April 26, 2016: Warwick, RI: Trumpers steal my camera for filming the rally, which is caught on camera. One of them takes it and throws it over the crowd like a football. Later, one of the Trumpers spits in my face. After that, a future-Antifa member does some spitting, which results in him getting punched and arrested. There were dozens of other incidents that year, but for the most part, the left quietly and peacefully took the beatings from the right for that year and a half. It went on and on and on and on… until suddenly the left snapped.

June 10, 2016: Trump rally in Richmond Virginia. This was the first time I saw militant/ openly violent lefties/ anti-Trumpers within the context of the Trump-era. I tried to throw myself in between the fighters, but with little effect. I went to dozens more rallies, (40 Trump rallies in total), after that, but the other lefties had not become militant in other cities until after the election.

At the RNC, everyone’s favorite far right blowhard, (and future Proud Boy), Alex Jones worked with the FBI to get so-called lefty journalists, (as I tend to be described), raided by the FBI. On Joe Rogan, Alex even said to Joe that he was working with the Secret Service at the RNC. Sure enough, when I got raided by the FBI, (at 36:38), as a result of Alex, I got it all on camera from multiple angles. There were roughly twenty agents working with ICE and Homeland Security, and they entered the house without a warrant, even though we made it crystal clear that since they did not have a warrant and they could not come in. Subsequently, they put guns in my friends’ faces to wake them out of bed. When it was all over, and things were winding down, I got one of the agents to admit that they had come because of Alex Jones. She said so on camera. I was recognizable for my alliance with Vermin and because I’m known as the Flowerman… for passing out flowers… which was all I was doing. Initially, I only published one of the camera angles, (outside the house), to the web. This caused the FBI to go to the local news, at which point they lied extensively on TV about not going into the house. I even got audio of some of the agents saying they did not have a warrant. After that, I interviewed as many of the people who got raided as I could. The total was nine homes. No conservatives or Trumpers were targeted.

From there, a massive amount of progressives headed to Standing Rock. At the peak, there were an estimated total of 10–20 thousand people there. The conservative Governor gave the approval to remove the Natives from their own land via eminent domain, in violation of the treaties going back to 1851. There were ultra-violent incidents which happened on regaular basis, and thousands of police who performed over 800 arrests of progressive activists. Many of us were documentarians or journalists. My documentary, “The War of North Dakota,” captures many of the terrifying incidents, such as “the night of the water cannons” in which Morton County Police sprayed water on the protesters for twelve hours in freezing weather, resulting in 300 cases of hypothermia. One woman (Sioux-Z Dundun) nearly lost her eye, and another, (Sophia Walinsky), nearly lost her arm when shot at by police with an explosive.

Personally, I was kidnapped by DAPL mercenaries (at 45:46) while on a public road alone. They beat me, hog-tied me and left me face down in the dirt. Half an hour later, when I saw that my hands were turning purple, someone decided to readjust my restraints. At that stage, I tried to make a break for it, but was on able, and got a nice big cut on my head as a result. Later a cop wearing both a sheriff’s badge, and a DAPL (Dakota Access Pipeline) badge came to pick me up. They threw me in a cell where I got an anal cavity search. Then I was thrown in a second cell with a long time felon who was there on gun charges. The cops take my DSLR, my GoPro and my iPhone, and I don’t get them back for a year and a half. Finally, I was able to get my footage of the incident.

As a horrible side note: I became aware of a twice-convicted rapist while at Standing Rock, who was popular among the activists for being a “whistleblower.” I blew the whistle on him, and for months on end, I was attacked by hundreds of so-called “progressive” activists who would rather defend a man who had sex with two young girls than not have him be a part of “the cause.” (Read my article about it.)

At the inauguration, there was an insane amount of property destruction. I was having fun with black bloc as they knocked over news-stands, I picked them up. A limo was set on fire. By the end of the night, Trumpers falsely accused me of having a bomb. I was jumped and detained by Capitol City Police. Obviously I didn’t have a bomb — but when I asked them to find my accusers, they did nothing.

Almost every rally I went to, there was a Trumper getting in my face and assaulting me. Notably, Chris Cox from Bikers for Trump. They do the assaulting, then the police come and arrest you.

Feb 1, 2017: Protests get out of hand in Berkeley, CA, when Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak at the university. There were a string of rallies, March 4, April 15 and April 27 where all the crazy violence everyone is familiar with happened, including the so-called “battle of Berkeley” with Kyle Chapman, which gave him his alt-right nickname, “Based Stickman.” Chapman is an admitted methamphetamine user/ Proudboy, who has been thrice convicted of crimes varying from grand theft to armed robbery.

May 13, 2017: “Boston Free Speech” holds rally featuring holocaust denier, Augustus Invictus, and future Proudboy, Based Stickman. BFS, eventually morphs into “Resist Marxism,” and finally “Super Happy Fun America”/ Straight Pride.

Aug 12, 2017: Charlottesville. Heather Heyer is murdered.

Aug 17, 2017: I interview John Meddlar, future proud-Boy and organizer for “Boston Free Speech.” Augustus Invictus, (Charlottesville attendee), as well as Gavin McInnes, (Proud Boys founder/ violence advocate) are invited to speak. Meddlar didn’t like how the interview came out, so he trolled me and published my name as a speaker at the rally. Subsequently, that was published by the Boston Globe, who refused to remove my name from their publication. As a result, I got dozens of death threats from members of 4chan and Stormfront (neo-nazi website.) Additionally, there were false accusation I was bringing a bomb — a clear attempt to get the FBI to show up at my house — otherwise known as “swatting.”

Aug 19, 2017: An estimated 30–40,000 show up to protest “Boston Free Speech.” (Video summary of events up until this point.)

Aug 27, 2017: “Say No To Marxism” is planned for Berkeley, CA, but is cancelled.

Sept 4, 2017: Subsequently, Based Stickman purchased the domain

Sept 4, 2017: John Hugo (future leader of “Straight Pride”) appears on “Young Jurks” podcast. I call in to point out that it requires the state to repress free speech, and that people making protesting in public are just expressing their free speech.

Sept 14, 2017: The FBI visit me. It wasn’t as bad as the first time, but the soon-to-be Proud Boys got their wish of getting me swatted, even if it didn’t get me shot, as so often is the intention.

Sept 16, 2017: MOAR rally in DC.

Sept 24, 2017: Milo Yiannapoulos books another event in Berkeley, CA. He decides to not pay for the rental. The college is forced to pay big money for massive security forces, since he says he’s showing up anyhow.

Sept 26, 2017: I sit down with Joey Gibson in the “Empathy Tent” (at Berkeley), to speak about left vs right. The tent is overrun with BAMN, and Joey is washed out with the crowd, consisting of Kyle Chapman (Based Stickman) and other regulars such as Tiny Toese. Yvette Falarca (BAMN) is arrested shortly after.

Oct 31, 2017: Milo speaks at Cal State Fullerton. Far right bully Antonio Foreman (at 3:40) chases after and repeatedly pushes around pretty much everyone, but the cops are totally cool with that. I’m arrested for filming.

Nov 18, 2017: The first “Resist Marxism,” in Boston, (as they have been re-branded), organized by Mark Sahady and Samson Racioppi, having much overlap with the organizers at Boston Free Speech. Future “Unite the Right 2” speaker Jovi Val (known for his swastika medallion) is in attendance. Kyle Chapman, (Based Stickman), meanwhile is assisted by Boston Police, evidently to do errands.

December 4, 2017: Matthias Thorpe, with Patriot Front leader Chris Hood attend a discussion about Antifa with Mark Bray, the author of “The Antifa Handbook.” Afterward, Thorpe is severely beaten. Accounts of the attack vary. However, directly before the beating, he made a live periscope video in which he talked about disrupting the meeting, though it sounds a little tongue-in-cheek. Regardless his intention, North Shore Antifa doesn’t seem to refute the attack, except to say, “fighting fascism and white supremacy is not an act of violence unto itself.” Thorpe’s face is extremely swollen, as can be seen in photos.

Dec, 2017: Resist Marxism marches for deportations against undocumented immigrants.

Jan 2018: Resist Marxism attempts to disrupt the 2018 Women’s March in Cambridge.

Jan 2018: Resist Marxism attempts to disrupt a rally in support of deported asylum-seeking mother/ activist Siham Byah. RM members include Mark Sahady, Samson Racioppi, John Medlar, and Chris Hood.

June 2, 2018: Uneventful BFS/ Resist Marxism rally in Boston.

March 2018: Resist Marxism rallies against “March for Our Lives” on Boston Common. Attendies: Mark Sahady, Kyle Chapman, Patrick Soutter.

April 2018: Patriot’s Day rally. Jovi Val (the swastika guy is there).

June 2018: Resist Marxism members try to crash a pro-immigrant “Families Belong Together” rally.

August 4, 2018: Antifa member Alex Carrion (the Warwick spitter) hits Resist Marxism member Samson Racioppi in the back of the head after a rally with a bike lock, (which I did not witness). I did see Alex being chased by the police, and filmed the foot chase through the parking lot of the mall in which the police tackled Carrion. I get a lot of crap from the left for leaving up the video. I get a lot of crap from the right, for missing the attack. However, it is an accurate portrayal of reality, (as best as I could capture).

Aug 11, 2018: Remembering Heather Heyer events and marches were held in Charlottesville. When it got dark, the black-masks went up, which meant there was an expectation that the cameras would go off. At one point, a black-blocker tried to swat my camera out of my hands, as I turned it on to film an arrest.

Aug 12, 2018: “Unite the Right/ Charlottesville 2.” Police escort Jason Kessler and the other organizers all around the city.

Oct 6, 2018: Providence Riot: Samson and Resist Marxism invite the big brawlers, bringing ironically-named Tiny Toese — the six-foot-three wrecking machine for the Proudboys. The event is at the Providence State House. They allow me into the staging area, where Proudboys are wearing “security” shirts and armed with medieval knight helmets and shields. The police make it clear that they should follow with them into the caged-off speaking area on the steps. However, Tiny, along with Joey Gibson and the other dozen or so “security” disregard this order and go into the crowd to yell at them. Within minutes, Tiny is swinging on the crowd, knocking them down three or four at a time as if they were scarecrows. The police stand by, casually watching and doing nothing until half the crowd is laying on the ground. This is also very well-documented.

My friend and videographer, (redacted) is hit in the head badly enough that she bleeds all over her face and head. However, she is trans, and asks the other videographers not to publish photos, because she is afraid of getting doxed. She points out the big bandage around her head to Joey Gibson who laughs at her, basically dismissing what had just happened. Afterward, Gregg Housh interviews John Camden, about his neo-nazi days. As to whether they are over is unclear.

A week later, Proudboys attack Antifa unprovoked in NYC. It becomes known as the NYC9. Video shows that the Proudboys clearly started it, but friends of Joe Rogan like Tim Pool falsely report that it was Antifa’s doing. Later, Tim published a retraction, but over and over and over again, the right repeat Tim’s false reporting.

Nov 17, 2018: Philly Second Amendment Rally. Event organizers steal my camera while filming, but give it back when they realize their stupidity.

Dec 13, 2018: Gavin McInnes hazes Alex Jones into the Proud Boys. (1hr:37)

April 6, 2019: Resist Marxism had planned another rally in Providence Rhode Island, but the Proud Boys disallow any Proud Boys related groups to have rallies until after the NYC trial is over. In the words of organizer, Brandon Navom, “Proud boys asked to push the event until after the NYC9 case was decided. bad press close to NYC could hurt their case.” The Resist Marxism event is cancelled.

May 1, 2019: Cider House Riot in Portland, OR.

May 30, 2019: Since Mark Sahady and friends were tired of not having street fights, they apparently decided to pick on gay people and hold “Straight Pride” until they can have more Resist Marxism/ Proud Boy events.

June 7, 2019: Milo, (who John Hugo is not a fan of) is announced as Grand Marshal.

Resist Marxism turns into “Super Happy Fun America” aka Straight Pride lead by John Hugo, Mark Sahady and Samson Racioppi.

June 29, 2019: Andy Ngo is attacked, which is widely reported.

July 1, 2019: Straight Pride founders John Hugo, Mark Sahady and Samson Racioppi claim to find letters addressed to them filled with “glitter and bible verses.” Samson allegedly called 9–11, (despite that insiders told me by email recently that Samson had been informing to the FBI… not that I believe anything they tell me.)

July 2, 2019: A close associate of the group reached out to me about it. The whole thing sounded farcical, so I called bullshit. Shortly thereafter, I was getting veiled threats that she believed that Vermin Supreme and I were responsible, since he’s known for his glitter, and I’m known for my bible verses, and the package came from Ohio. She told me, she, “knew we had been there,” telling us to reach out to our anarchist friends in Ohio. It already felt like they were trying to get me swatted again, when a friend pointed out that there was a link to the Federal Bureau of Prisons posted on my Facebook page. I’m not saying it was them, but clearly, I had been hacked, so I shut down my account.

In general, the corporate media loves division. In the age of the internet, clicks drive profit, and conflict drives clicks. However, the extreme violence which has been erupting shows that the police have lost control — and losing control is bad for sales. So, if the MSM shows anything at all, they can’t show too much, and it better be to show the police handling those lefties.

Recently, lefty journalist Gwen Snyder has been visited by Proud Boys, as was comedian/ activist Vic Berger about a year ago. Videographers Steve Ahlquist and Dan Feidt have recently been doxed by a group that will go unnamed, so as to not further spread that info.

July 6, 2019: Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes likens the Proudboys to the Nazis fighting of the Russians in WW2.

Don’t forget Dylann Roof or the attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue… or the others I’m forgetting.

That’s all for now. The idea that just “so-and-so” is to blame, just doesn’t cut it for me.

