How to plan your events easier?

Rody Kiautua
2 min readApr 24, 2020


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

I am pretty sure you already planned parties, travels or activities with buddies.

But if you do it more than three times a year, you certainly know the trouble in it.

When we plan events, we often use several apps like facebook, WhatsApp or doodle. Each app for a purpose and we tend to get overwhelmed very quickly by the number of messages and the dozens of things we have to communicate.

That’s the pain we hope to solve with Ddays by gathering everything you need in one app.

1. Trouble for planification

In the summer 2017, my cofonder and I planned a Big BBQ party. For this event, we gathered in a whatsapp group.

Although it is the best messaging app, planning together was really hard.

In fact, we had trouble to find a date and a place, to share tasks and to communicate together.

Despite a lack of planning, we succeeded to plan the BBQ party and all participants were happy. After it, my teammates and I had a debriefing. We felt so frustrated by the process that we decided to make a product that could solve those problems.

2. Ddays : All you need in one tool

When we decided to create Ddays, we met many people who had the same problems as us. Everybody told us the same thing, they have to fall back on many tools for planning events. That’s why we created Ddays in march 2019.

Ddays is a simple app for planning events (like birthdays, parties, trips, weddings,etc.) with your group.

Gathered in one tool, Ddays allows you to :

  • create a private space for your group,
  • make polls to find a location, a date or anything,
  • add and assign tasks with to do lists
  • make grocery lists,
  • manage your budget,
  • split bills,
  • chat,
  • share photos.

We launched Ddays only in France 1 year ago.

From now on, we have launched Ddays in the whole world in order to provide everyone one tool app for organizing events easily.

If you want to save much more time and plan better, go check Ddays!

Thank you for taking time to read this article.

Have a nice day with Ddays.

Available on AppleStore and Google Play Store



Rody Kiautua

Founder of Ddays A simple tool for planning your special events.