The 3 minutes too early that almost killed my launch on Product Hunt

Rody Kiautua
3 min readJul 15, 2020


Should you too have already heard the proverb that says that « the early bird catches the worm » you have to know that it is a big lie and I am going to tell you why.

This Sunday of July, I woke up very early not to miss my launch on Product Hunt ( I from France). Few days ago I worked very hard to plan the launch of Ddays on Product Hunt.

My confounders entrusted me the mission to make the launch on Product Hunt and to succeed the launch, I read lots of articles about it, I checked very often the trend on Product Hunt and I worked my speech very well.

Without entering to the Product Hunt process, Product Hunt homepage is based on a 24 hour cycle, for launching a new products we have to ship it in the homepage at 12:01am PST. Although we can add your product all day long it is much better to add it at the beginning the day in order to be hunted quickly and to benefit from more up voting

When I shipped Ddays to Product Hunt, I was proud of me because I am not a native speaker ( I know you noticed it) an I thought that I did everything right. Whenever, few minutes later, I realized that I posted too early. Indeed my watch had 3 minutes early and this little detail almost killed the launch of Ddays on Product Hunt.

What messed up?

I think it is my Habit.

From elementary school to working life, we always taught me to be ahead. Being always late, I took the habits to put all my watch to 3 or 5 minutes early and. I almost sure you do that too. However, this Sunday I realized that could be sometime a big mistake and that had been the beginning of a nightmare

When I realized that I launched Ddays on Product Hunt too early, I was completely lost. I tried to solve this mistake by myself but I worsened the situation.

First of all, I tried to delete my post in order not to fail my launch but in Product Hunt plateforme you are not able to delete your post even so you delete your account. I realized it at my expense because when I tried to delete my post and that I failed to do that I found nothing other that to delete my account. By doing so, I lost the possibility to modify my post and I wasn’t able to respond to the feedback. I was trapped like a rat.

Then, It was My second mistake was that I took too much time to write to Product Hunt. I wrote them one hour after I launched to notify them of my problem while I had to write them from the beginning.

Product Hunt answered me very quickly despite the time difference. They moved the Ddays to the right place but the horse is already out of the barn.

Furthermore, I deleted information’s essentials of the post when I tried to delete it and I posted on Indie Hackers and Hackers news that I launched on Product Hunt.

By the way, Product Hunt very understood with me and they gave an opportunity to submit my product again.

This is how my 3 minutes early on my watch killed my launch on Product Hunt.

If you launch your product on Product Hunt you should follow these pieces of advice:

  • launch on time, not in late or not ahead,
  • contact Product Hunt if you have a problem with your post they response quickly
  • don’t delete your account too soon; it is hard to recover it.

Thank you to take the time to read it

If you want to try Ddays it is available on

IOS and Android

Have a nice days!



Rody Kiautua

Founder of Ddays A simple tool for planning your special events.