The limits of WhatsApp

Why should we continue to endure them?

Rody Kiautua
3 min readJun 8, 2020
Photo by Allie on Unsplash

First of all, if I had to rank the best mobile app I ever seen in the last 10 years, I would probably rank WhatsApp in pole position. Simple, efficient and free, WhatsApp is the best messaging app in the world with over a billion users. WhatsApp is so simple that even my mom, who is in her 60's and far from being a tech savvy, only uses this to communicate with us.

However WhatsApp are some limits and this why we built an alternative more suitable to compensate these limits.

1. Planning events : The weak point of WhatsApp

Today many people use WhatsApp groups to plan birthdays, travels, garden parties etc. However, the same complaints keep coming up: the endless discussions, the difficulties to find the thread of conversations, the inability to coordinate and overall problems to get organized.

I remember when one of my best friends got married, his brother made a WhatsApp group for planning bachelor party. We had lots of difficulties to find a suitable date, to agree on activities that the grom man would enjoy and to find a gift for him. It was so hard to organized by WhatsApp that we had to improvise all. Finally, we were luckily because everything went well.

At this time, my co-founders and I we were already thinking about how to facilitate the organization of events. We started to think about the solution because we felt lots of pain and stress when we had planned a garden party the summer before.

This is why we launched Ddays.

2. An app more suitable for planning events

Ddays is a simple tool app all in one that helps people to plan events with friends.

Understanding the opportunity presented by WhatsApp’s blind spot, Ddays was designed to provide users to :

  • create a private space for your group,
  • make polls to find place, date or anything,
  • add and assign tasks with to do lists
  • make a grocery lists,
  • manage budgets,
  • split the bills,
  • chat,
  • share the photos.

When we launched Ddays on March 2019, some people didn’t get the added values of it while WhatsApp was already fulfilling this role. We didn’t understand these criticisms because when we talked about Ddays everybody seemed happy by this idea. In our minds, anyone who had to plan an event with WhatsApp group knew how unsuitable the app was for this kind of situation. Yet, people kept complaining and using the WhatsApp groups because they did not find the solution to the pain caused by WhatsApp’s blind spot.

From this observation, we understood that the problem was not the idea but the understanding of app and what the added valued Ddays brings. After the lots of feedback from users we improved Ddays.

As a result, Ddays has been greatly simplified in no only the narrative (We’ve clarified our speech) but we improved the onboarding (user integration process) and in the UX (user experience) too. This shock of simplification provides Ddays is better suited than WhatsApp groups in terms of events plan.

If you want to plan your events better, use Ddays!

Thank you for taking time to read this article.

Have the nice event with Ddays

Availble on GooglePlay Store and Apple store!



Rody Kiautua

Founder of Ddays A simple tool for planning your special events.