CPR/AED Skill Test Cheat Sheet

Kaikea Roe
1 min readAug 16, 2023

This outlines everything you need to pass your CPR/AED Skills test. Best of luck!


BSI/PPE/Scene Safety

Dispatch/“Did any bystanders see what happened?”

Check AVPU

A — “Does PT track me as I approach?”

V — “Sir my name is ___. Can you hear me?”

P — Trap Pinch

U — PT is unconscious

Check carotid pulse looking, listening and feeling for breathing, chest rise and fall, and pulse for no more than 10 seconds.

*Call ALS, Send Partner to Retrieve AED

Begin Chest Compressions: 30:2

  • Rate of 100–120 compressions a minute
  • Depth of 2–2.4 inches
  • Allowing Full Chest Recoil

Once partner arrives with AED, instruct partner to take over CPR 30:2

Set Up AED

Place pads

Plug in

Work around partner doing chest compressions and apply pads

Verbalize “stand clear” when AED states “analyzing shock”

When shock is delivered, immediately go back into CPR

Go until proctor says stop

