A Dream Realized; My Journey to London[is]Real

Roger Brooks
10 min readSep 22, 2017


How my life was transformed in 8 short weeks

Roger L. Brooks, host of American Real

Everything we do and every decision we make is purposeful. It’s something I’ve been aware of my entire life, but I never truly understood — until now. That is, until I decided to start my very own podcast. Ironically, looking back, it seems every stage of my life has prepared me for today.


Since the day my father brought home a VHS video camera, I was hooked on production and I was hooked on broadcasting. I filmed Kung Fu Theater, cooking episodes in the kitchen and music videos for high-school class assignments. When I was old enough to drive, my friends and I would travel 45-minutes to Ithaca, NY on a Friday or Saturday night to interview people on the street for our make-believe news show. During this time period, I also became interested in photography and writing — especially poetry. I also had an entrepreneurial bug. I started a lawn-mowing business with my cousin and a t-shirt business with my friends. I worked as an intern for the mayor of our city, played competitive baseball through college and minored in theatre and communications my first two years of college.

1990’s — 2000’s

When I was twenty, I moved from Binghamton, NY to Portland, Oregon to attend Portland State University. After realizing I no longer had the baseball talent I once did, I moved into creative mode. I started my own line of clothing, which I sold into stores like Nordstrom and then started working for the legendary basketball all-star player, Clyde Drexler, for whom I designed his DREXLER clothing line. Then, by chance, I was put in touch with my high-school principal, Ray Stanton, who had a thriving fundraising business — it was one of the fastest growing companies in America. I worked it hard for several years, married Ray’s son’s wife’s sister (yes, true), and moved back home, continuing to work for the Stanton’s in a variety of business ventures. It was a phenomenal education. As technology began to boom, we entered the software space and built a loyalty and rewards platform that was second to none. As a side project, I went back to my love of writing, wrote two books called FACES, where I interviewed 100 fascinating people and documented their stories, which included their picture. I then wrote a business book and began searching for a publisher.


In 2010, The Power of Loyalty: 10 Essential Steps to Building a Customer Loyalty Strategy was published by Entrepreneur Press. I wrote articles for their online magazine, Entrepreneur.com. Then, the Stanton’s software business sold and I remained on with the acquirer for four years before departing on friendly terms. I then started working for a boutique-sized loyalty and payments company, ZipLine, where I remain today. It’s an organization making a big impact within the petroleum space. I enjoy my job and the people I work with. In 2012, I made a decision to write a novel and without really knowing what I was doing, I began writing… and writing… and writing. In the fall of 2013, after hitting a wall, I sought out a story consultant to help me see through all of the chaos. I was fortunate enough to find James Bonnet, author of Stealing Fire from the Gods: A Dynamic New Story Model for Writers and Filmmakers. Jim and I have been working together now for four years and the novel is nearing completion.

The Podcast

A couple of months back, I began preparing to launch my very own podcast. Although I was taking it seriously, it would be a weekend hobby. It was a work in progress, something I had been planning out, along with a couple of friends, for nearly a year (that too has a backstory, which I’ll share in a future post). The intent was to model the podcast after London Real, hosted by Brian Rose, a California native who moved to London some seventeen years ago to pursue his career in investment banking. Feeling unfulfilled for quite some time, in 2011, Brian had an epiphany to do what he loved and he decided to become a podcaster. He looked himself in the mirror, quit his job and hasn’t looked back since.

London Real is the Mecca of all podcasts, the crème de la crème, whereby accomplishing anything remotely close would be a considered a win. It’s broadcast in both audio and video, which makes it appealing for the subscriber. Brian’s style, his amazing guests and his calming set are all so inviting. Although the set is simple, there’s something pleasing about the modern fixtures he chose — especially his chrome-and-leather chairs. Each week, I look forward to seeing who’ll be so lucky to be sitting in his marvelous chair.

Brian Rose (left) interviews Chris Eubank (right) on London Real

And so, a close group of friends and family began helping me build the set, which is located on the 5th floor of my friend’s loft-style building in the city center. The goal was to have it be similar to London Real, yet make it our own, designed with a low budget, utilizing existing furniture, paintings and fixtures that seemed to all flow nicely together. We hung overhead lighting and shifted things around a couple of times before setting up the technical equipment, which I had been slowly purchasing over the course of a year. Finally, in early-July 2017, the set was complete and I was ready for my first guest.

The next morning, while conducting some research, I noticed there were other podcasts out there using the “Real” brand in their name, such as New York Real and Vancouver Real. With my background in customer loyalty, and understanding the power of branding, I took a shot and sent an unsolicited email to the inbox at London Real, asking what it would take to utilize the “Real” brand. The very next day, on 7/7/17, I received a reply from them saying, I had their blessing to do so. Later that day, a second email came in from Julian Bailes, with some additional info for me to pursue the name. I was ecstatic to say the least. This new opportunity gave me even more drive to pursue this hobby. I came up with three names and one of them quickly rose to the top. I wanted to go big. I would call my new podcast, American Real.

There’s No Coincidences

In my inbox, the very next day, was a generic e-mail from Brian at London Real. I’m on his mailing list so I typically check to see what’s new; however, the subject line on this particular e-mail message made me stop in my tracks. It read, Create a world-class podcast you’re proud of.

Brian Rose of London Real, whose team just gave me permission to use the “Real” brand, was offering a course in podcasting called Broadcast Yourself? Was that a coincidence? I think not. The timing was obviously impeccable, and my gut was telling me, how could you not? Within a week, I was on a live Zoom call with sixty people from around the world, led by instructor, Brian Rose.

That day, I made myself a promise. For the next two months, I would embrace this course like I haven’t embraced anything before. I would work two full-time jobs — my Business Development job for ZipLine and Broadcast Yourself every other waking moment — no exceptions, no excuses. I woke up early, I went to bed late and I ate very little. Although my wife Sabrina and our two kids, Alexis and Little Roger didn’t see me much, they were ultra-supportive and seemed to enjoy watching it all unfold.

I was, without question, having the most fun that I’ve had in my 47 years on this earth. I found my niche… I found my passion.

Living Proof

Believe it or not, I’m living proof that our thoughts, can in fact, literally shape our lives. But, there’s a catch. In order to realize this phenomenon, you must truly believe it and believe it with all of your being, or it will be only what it started out as… a thought. Earl Nightingale put it best when he said, “We become what we think about.”

For months upon months, I aspired to build a podcast like London Real. I aspired to have the composure and interviewing skills of Brian Rose. I aspired to bring on guests that could have an impact on others. The entire reason for doing a podcast, my sole purpose is not for money, or attention, nor ego. My entire purpose is to help those listening in some possible way… to make a positive impact on their lives. To generate a thought or idea within the listener, based on the conversation taking place. To give hope, to drive passion, to give ambition to others so they can prosper in some way. My philosophy is that we’re not here to serve ourselves, we are here to serve others — to help our friends and family and especially those we don’t know. This game called life — we are all in — should not be inherently self-serving.

Broadcast Yourself

The Broadcast Yourself course was vigorous. It was a podcast boot camp for want-to-be podcasters and it was clearly designed as such. If you didn’t keep up with it, you would quickly fall behind. The tasks were not necessarily hard, but each of them carried a piece of resistance with them. Write down your goals, record and post a vlog, learn how to use iTunes, etc., etc. In the end, each task was purposeful and each prepared us for the next module. A real-time accountability document kept it all in check and made me want to stay ahead, no matter how much work I had on my plate. I’d stay up an hour later, or get up an hour earlier in order to fulfill my promise.

Brian and team delivered the course purposefully, methodically and intentionally. For each module, Brian provides three helpful introductory videos, along with module workbook and many resourceful links. Team leaders — Lisa May, Chris Albert, Julian Bailes and Alex Melia were all helpful in pushing people along each week to ensure success. It’s an experience I will never forget.

The AH-HA Moment

After the first week, and as part of the package, I had a one-on-one call with Brian Rose. The assignment for the call was to give him a pitch about my podcast, followed by any form of resistance I was facing. I remember being excited, yet nervous and as soon as the call began, it all hit me. This adventure I put myself in was in fact, real.

Right away, I felt a close connection with Brian and in many ways, I see myself in him. He is one of those guys who is smart, yet humble, aggressive, yet thoughtful and as passionate as anyone I have ever met. This man truly cares. This man wants you to succeed. This man, on a daily basis, does as much as any man I know.

About half-way through the course, an announcement was made that a graduation is being held in London for all those who make it through. It took me all of two seconds to decide. London? I’m there.

It’s been nearly eight weeks since the course bagan. I’ve interviewed twelve guests, I am on iTunes and YouTube and Facebook — broadcasting my podcast, American Real. For the first time in I don’t know how long, I am proud to promote myself. Not in an arrogant way, but in a fulfilling way. I was proud to do an official launch last Sunday and I am proud to tell everyone from my Uber driver to the clerk at the convenience store, about what I do. Brian Rose, I thank you for that.

The Cherry on Top

I happen to love ice cream, gelato and frozen yogurt. I have since I was a kid. On a hot Sunday afternoon, it’s something our entire family likes to do. We’ll pick a different spot, meet up with some friends and enjoy a flavor or two. Most of the time I keep it simple, but once in a while I’ll add sprinkles, or even whip cream, but I hardly ever add the cherry. Recently, I’ve realized that I’ve had personal resistance asking for the cherry my entire life. I always thought I didn’t quite deserve it. I’ve been afraid to ask for the cherry… to go for it and enjoy that brief moment of scrumptious success. I’ve always done it for others, hardly ever for myself. But with Broadcast Yourself, I came into myself—I became me. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I put it all on the line because I knew it’s what I wanted to do. I went for the cherry… I earned it… and I’m proud to say it here.

On our last live call, Brian made a special announcement. He said he’s selecting one person from the class, which he’s giving the privilege to interview him in London next week. As he went into his next sentence, it seemed to be said in slow motion. I heard him call my name. Then, he asked me to say a few words. I don’t remember what I said. My emotions had taken over. Brian had ordered-up the cherry for me, to put on top of my Sunday and I was overwhelmed.

Next Friday, September 29, 2017, I’ll be interviewing Brian Rose in London… in his studio, sitting in his marvelous chrome-and-leather chair. What was once a thought, led to a decision and resulted in an action. Now, after hard work, it’s being fully realized.

As I write this sentence, I can tell you first hand that my journey to London[is]Real.

Roger L. Brooks is the Founder & Host of American Real. You can reach him at roger@americanreal.tv.



Roger Brooks

Roger L. Brooks is an entrepreneur, sales executive, bestselling author, book publisher and podcaster.