Roger Davies
2 min readFeb 4, 2019


Hi guys, a complex tutorial but very useful for anyone looking for step by step instructions. As you may know Jim and myself at EOS and Telos UK are trying to champion the mass adoption of eosio and I fear we will have lost most people at the step “ Follow the instructions on how to set up your Scatter account and login to your Scatter extension” haha!

Understanding keys and the management thereof, is such a big problem to mass adoption so please let us know if anyone ever finds a simpler way to explain it and understand it!

Anyways keep up the great work there, also I noticed that throughout this article you have a typo ‘treshold’ instead of ‘threshold’ and of course the Scatter Chrome plugin is no longer the recommended solution now the desktop client is maturing.

While on the subject of Scatter if you are new to it, beware it is a very powerful piece of software and scammers are writting hacks which will allow them to instantly take over your account by changing the keys with just a single click from you, be aware of what you allow it to do, and be exceedingly cautious when interacting with new websites and ensure they are genuine and not copies of sites you trust, as has recently happened with a fake version of the Telos Foundation site.

Note also that if your keys are still the same on Telos and EOS (and other sister chains) then unauthorised access on one network will likely occur on the others too. One Telos user fell for the scam and lost 40,000 TLOS and 45,000 EOS, ouch!

