Build a UI Minimap in Unity

Roger moore
3 min readAug 5, 2023


Objective: go over making a minimap

In the world of game design, creating an immersive gameplay experience is paramount. One way to enhance player engagement is by incorporating a UI minimap. A minimap provides players with a bird’s-eye view of the game environment, helping them navigate and strategize effectively. In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through the process of building a dynamic UI minimap in Unity that keeps the player at the center while visualizing crucial elements like enemies.

When it comes to creating a minimap, there are various approaches to choose from. In this tutorial, we’ll use a straightforward method that involves scripting. Here’s how:

Script Initialization: Create a new C# script named “MiniMap” and attach it to an empty GameObject in your scene. This script will handle the logic of updating the minimap based on player and enemy positions.

Variables and References: Declare variables to hold references to the player, enemy, enemy position indicator (_enemyPos), and the minimap itself (_mapPos). Use the SerializeField attribute to expose these variables in the Inspector.

LateUpdate for Consistency: Utilize the LateUpdate() method to ensure that the minimap updates after other potential transformations.

Player Position: Inside LateUpdate(), update the position of the minimap (_mapPos) to reflect the player’s position. This creates the illusion that the player remains stationary while the environment shifts.

Enemy Position: Similarly, update the position of the enemy indicator (_enemyPos) to match the enemy’s position. This way, players can track the enemy’s movements relative to their own.

Player-Centric Design: The heart of the minimap’s dynamic effect lies in offsetting the minimap and enemy positions based on the player’s movement. By shifting the minimap and enemy indicators in the opposite direction of the player’s movement, you create the impression of a stationary player at the center.

Play and Observe: Playtest your game and observe the minimap in action. Move your player character around and watch how the minimap and enemy indicator respond.

Adjustments and Tweaks: If necessary, adjust the script’s variables and calculations to fine-tune the minimap effect. Consider experimenting with different offset values to achieve the desired visual impact.

By following this guide, you’ve successfully built a dynamic UI minimap in Unity that adds depth and functionality to your game’s user interface. This immersive tool empowers players to navigate their surroundings effectively, track enemy movements, and make strategic decisions. As you continue to explore game design, you’ll find that the ability to create engaging UI elements like the minimap enhances the overall player experience and contributes to the success of your game. Happy designing!

