Daily Progression Update: removing a life and respawning

Roger moore
2 min readJul 26, 2023


Objective: go over removing a life and respawning when the player falls

In a platformer game, it’s essential to have a life system to provide players with multiple attempts before facing the consequences of failure. In this update, we will go over adding a life system to our 2.5D platformer. When the player falls off the map, they will lose a life and respawn at a designated starting point.

Create a script called DeathFloor and attach it to a 3D collider that represents the death zone, such as the bottom of the map. When the player collides with this collider, they will lose a life and respawn.

Create a GameManager script to manage the player's lives and handle respawning. In this script, we will also include a designated starting point for respawning.

Update the UIManager script to display the player's remaining lives.

You have successfully implemented a life system and respawning functionality in your 2.5D platformer. Now, when the player falls into the death zone, they will lose a life, and if all lives are exhausted, the scene will be reloaded.

In this update, we created a DeathFloor script to detect collisions with the death zone, a GameManager script to manage lives and respawning, and updated the UIManager to display the player's remaining lives. This life system adds a new layer of challenge to your platformer, encouraging players to be cautious and strategic in their movements.

