Setting up Navmesh in Unity

Roger moore
2 min readJul 17, 2023


Objective: set up a navmesh in Unity

In Unity, implementing a Navmesh can greatly enhance the navigation and movement of AI characters in your game. The objective of this article is to guide you through the process of setting up a Navmesh in Unity, allowing AI entities to navigate dynamically and efficiently across the game environment.

To get started, I designed a simple floor layout with a few waypoints and placed a sphere to represent the AI character. To enable navigation, I accessed the Window -> AI -> Navigation menu and marked the floor as navigation static. This step is crucial as it allows Unity to calculate the Navmesh data for the specified floor area. After setting up the floor, I proceeded to bake the Navmesh, which generated the necessary data for AI navigation based on the floor’s structure.

The next step involved adding a Navmesh Agent component to the AI sphere. The Navmesh Agent acts as the brain of the AI character, utilizing the Navmesh data to navigate the game environment intelligently. With the Navmesh Agent in place, I could configure various parameters, such as speed, acceleration, and avoidance behavior, to fine-tune the AI character’s movement.

To further enhance the AI navigation experience, consider implementing dynamic obstacle avoidance and pathfinding algorithms. By using Navmesh Obstacle components, you can create moving obstacles that AI characters can dynamically avoid. Additionally, pathfinding algorithms like A* can be integrated to enable AI characters to find the most optimal routes around obstacles and reach their destinations efficiently.

By setting up a Navmesh in Unity and incorporating Navmesh Agents for AI characters, you can create a more lifelike and intelligent game environment. The Navmesh enables smooth and efficient navigation, allowing AI entities to move seamlessly across the floor layout and reach their intended destinations.

As you delve deeper into Navmesh implementation, explore additional features like dynamic obstacle avoidance and pathfinding algorithms to make your AI characters more responsive and adaptable to changing environments. With the right configuration and optimization, your Navmesh-based AI system will provide players with an immersive and enjoyable gameplay experience.

Remember to iterate, test, and optimize your Navmesh setup to ensure smooth and realistic AI movement. Playtesting will help you identify and address any issues, leading to a polished and professional result.

