Rogers Kisambira
7 min readAug 28, 2017

Praise the Lord Jesus. He is reigning and continues to reign. Nothing and no one can rival his throne. For that reason, I believe that everything he planned for your life will be fulfilled in your own eyes. If Jesus is on the throne, then watch Him trouble everything that troubles you. Allow me to shed more light on worshipping this God who reigns forever more.

John 4:23–24 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Last week, I shared with you precious Saint on knowing what you worship. A young friend of mine once told me, she does not read her Bible but that she really loved God and that she devoted substantial time to worshipping him. “What an interesting perception of worship!” I thought to myself. How do you worship what you don’t know? Many people think they know God but sadly, this is not so. A person that worships God but never allows him to reveal himself to them through the word is having a monologue with God not a fellowship. God has called us to have fellowship with him not monologues (2Cor 13:13). This is similar to claiming to have a relationship with a person who you never give chance to speak to you. Just like you need my words to be my friend, you need God’s word to be his friend. He must speak to you through the scriptures. He has listened to all your talking, now listen to him too. To worship God in truth is to worship him as he really is not as you really think he is. Therefore, get rid of your personal opinions and get God’s. Some people are really honest in their worship but when you pay close attention, you realize that they are honestly wrong. They worship him with tears rolling down their cheeks and they say to God “You give and take away”. God on the other side is asking the angels, “What have I ever taken from Ritah? Why is she accusing me?” Ritah may be worshipping God honestly but she is honestly wrong. Honesty and sincerity do not necessarily represent truth. Someone can be honest and sincere but still be untrue.

The hour cometh, however, and now is as the Messiah says, when true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth. Many people have understood a certain kind of worship, the one the Father does not esteem as a true. For example, most if not all of the Old Testament worship was not true. In the Old Testament, men worshiped with their flesh and at best, with their souls. They either worshipped God in Jerusalem or in a certain mountain. But Jesus says, God is a Spirit; this only implies that if a man must worship God, it must be an experience of their spirit communing with the Spirit of God. Jehovah God has disqualified anything else from worshipping him if it be not a spirit. I therefore would wish to inform you dear reader that dogs and birds don’t have the capacity to worship God because they do not possess spirits. Contrary to popular thinking, the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the seas and all that are therein cannot worship God. They don’t qualify. Worshipping God is a privilege. One must qualify to worship. Allow me dear Saint to say something even more disturbing; people who have not received the born-again experience cannot worship God. They are dead spirits, alienated from the life of God. Dead spirits are unable to worship God; they don’t have the capacity to interact with the life of God. It is only men who have been born-again that can worship God because in this second birth, God resurrects their dead spirits and infuses them with his own life.

Men and women who have only been born once can only go as far as praising God. Everything created can praise God. Praising God, however, is a much lower level of interacting with him. To praise is to speak well of somebody or something. Anyone, born again or not can speak well of God. It doesn’t take much to do that. All that one needs is to witness and attest to goodness or power of God. If a man sees a miracle, that man may praise God. If another observes the universe and how it runs without a CEO, he may praise God. Non-living things such as the sun and the moon can also praise him by displaying his splendor (Psalms 148:3). Praising God does not require a spirit. Non-spirit beings can praise God. Worship, however, necessitates the presence of a spirit that has been infused with the very life of God. Being born again is a privilege. It means God has given us his own DNA and hence we are now able to fellowship with him. We can hold conversations with him at the same level. You must have his nature in order to be able to fellowship with him. All the Old Testament experiences were a shadow of true worship but now the hour has come. The dancing that David danced is not applicable in this hour. I have heard preachers say dance for God until He sees your sweat and then you will receive your breakthrough. That is approaching God in the flesh when he has desired your spirit. Flesh cannot worship God and that is the reason Paul tells us in his letter to the Romans to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1–2). According to God, flesh must be killed before worship begins. There is a place for dancing. Any physical dancing however, should be a mere representation of my spirit dancing. Dancing must begin in the spirit before it pours out in the flesh. Any dancing other than that can only be regarded as a physical exercise or a form entertainment in the flesh but not worship.

To worship God in spirit and in truth is not to be sincere and genuine about every word you say to him during worship much as that is good in itself. It is not to mean every word that you say to God much as that is beautiful. Worshipping God in spirit and in truth has been misconceived to mean honesty and sincerity in worship. Let me tell you what it is dear Saint. Worshipping God in spirit and in truth is to be led by the Spirit of Truth when you are worshipping God. I have seen an error where choirs select a song list and limit themselves completely to that list during service. They lock out any possibility of the Spirit of Truth leading them otherwise during service. That is an error. Except the Spirit of God aids us, we don’t know how to worship as we ought to. The scriptures teach that as many as are led by the Spirit of God are called the sons of God (Romans 8:14). It is beautiful to prepare a song list, but first and foremost, leave the worship experience to the Spirit of God. He is the one that knows what God wants and how he wants it. Let the Spirit of Truth guide you in preparing a song list and if he makes an abrupt adjustment in the middle of service, let him do it, don’t resist him. Sometimes what you think to be an abrupt adjustment may just be resulting from the fact that you did not hear him well at first. The Spirit of Truth will reveal to you who God really is as you read the scriptures and meditate upon God. Thereby, you will worship God as he really is not as you really think he is. That is worshipping God in truth. As you wait on God, the Spirit of Truth will commune with your born again spirit. That is worshipping God in Spirit.

Dear Saint, the hour is now where we don’t have to go to Jerusalem or to any particular mountain to worship God. Worship is not tied to particular geographical locations. We don’t have to go to Mecca. God is seeking in this hour, men that will submit their spirits to the Spirit of Truth. He is seeking men that will allow him infuse his very life into their spirits. Those men will worship and that which is indescribable will unfold in heaven and on earth. The hour is now dear saint; join the true worshippers.

FOR FURTHER REFERENCE: Romans 8:26, John 3:6, 2Cor 13:14


Father I pray for the Saint reading this piece that all flesh will disappear as they worship you. Teach them to put to death the flesh and its desires. May their spirits come alive as they worship. I pray that you will guide them in all truth that they may worship you as you really are. Holy Spirit I pray that this reader will be turned into the worshipper that you have been seeking for. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen

If this message has inspired you, share it with every person that you care about. Greetings from the First Lady, Sandie!

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Rogers Kisambira

I am a spiritual leader with a deep call to reveal to the members of the body of Christ their true identity in the LORD.