Habit Tracking with Emojional Intelligence. Truly Unique Approach That Got Me Trough It

Rohov Dmytro
2 min readJan 31, 2019


This would be a quick personal story about how I got better with my habits.

In 2018 I truly realised how important habits are. And what helped me a lot to have a progress was my bullet journal. But… no checkmarks and streaks! No, it was different.

All I was doing was simply writing things like:

— «Feeling sad waking up early in the
— «Feeling good about doing pushups» (although is was only 5 of them :))
— «Feeling sad at failing to communicate»

And so on.

Why does it work?

I realised that tracking progress by how I feel about was more powerful than counting stuff.

Every day I was summarising stuff not in terms of quantity but in terms of internal attitude (and that includes quantity also!). If it was a super hard day and I did 4 pull ups — I am the hero, officially. :) If it was easy day and I did nothing — not good, not good.

I’ve made a web app for myself. It’s very basic and super simple. It’s a progressive web app so it can be used on mobile phone also.

Check it out, if you are interested.

The app itself:

P.S. Self-awareness is the key.



Rohov Dmytro

Connecting concepts in a meaningful way. Looking for truth that will be surprising today and obvious tomorrow.