1 min readFeb 6, 2024


Decency works when people feel the government is listening to their grievances.

Trump has connected with people who feel totally ignored and in many cases screwed by the federal government. Decency did not get them anywhere.

Hillary who ideally would be an example of decency did the absolute worst possible offense against decent-she called roughly 30-40% of the voters who were Trump supporters deplorables. She went beyond Trump to the voters.

Have the democrats in anyway acknowledged or listened since that comment to Trump supporters? No, they just continued the attacks on Trump supporters. The democrats handling of Jan 6 as an insurrection versus trying to understand why the people resorted to storming the capital was dropping the bomb.

Trump certainly denounces groups eg the radical left. He has never stated that anyone who supported Hillary or Joe are deplorables.

Unclear how that escalation in politics to calling out voters as the problem changes. I don’t believe it’s reparable.

I believe the cultures in the country are too diverse to resolve the culture war issues at the federal level. Much of morass that Congress and the president take on today should not be discussed or dealt with at the federal level. Examples include abortion, marriage in general, DEI, trans issues, and the possibility big issues of healthcare/medicare and social security.

Decency in politics-stick to the politicians, don’t blame the voters.




Passionate about "freedom to." Back on Medium after being suspended. I am a die hard independent.