How to Approach Coding: Thinking Strategies for Getting Started

Rohan Fulzele
3 min readJul 5, 2023


How to approach Coding

When you start coding, it’s important to approach it with a clear and focused mindset.

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Here are some key aspects to consider in order to think effectively when you start coding:

  1. Understand the problem:

Begin by thoroughly understanding the problem you’re trying to solve. Break it down into smaller, manageable parts and identify the core requirements. This will help you approach the coding process with clarity.

2. Plan your approach:

Before diving into writing code, spend time planning your approach. Consider different algorithms, data structures, or design patterns that might be applicable to the problem at hand. Outline a high-level strategy or create a flowchart to guide your implementation.

3. Break it down:

Divide the problem into smaller tasks or functions. This makes it easier to manage and allows you to tackle one piece at a time. Breaking down the problem also helps in identifying potential areas where code can be reused or modularized.

4. Pseudocode or visualize:

Consider writing pseudocode, which is a high-level description of the code logic without focusing on the syntax. Alternatively, sketch out the code structure or flow to visualize the steps and relationships between different components. This can aid in understanding the overall structure and logic of your code.

5. Consider edge cases:

Think about potential edge cases or unexpected scenarios that your code should handle. Consider input validation, error handling, and handling different data types or user behaviors. This helps make your code more robust and prevents unexpected issues.

6. Keep it simple:

Start with a simple solution and gradually build upon it. Avoid overcomplicating the code initially. Test and verify each step before moving on. This allows you to identify and fix any issues early on and makes the debugging process more manageable.

7. Collaborate and seek feedback:

If possible, collaborate with other developers or seek feedback from peers. Discussing your code with others can provide valuable insights, alternative perspectives, and help you improve the overall quality of your code.

8. Document and comment:

As you code, make sure to document and comment your code appropriately. Clearly explain the purpose and functionality of each section, function, or variable. This makes it easier for others (including your future self) to understand and maintain the code.


Remember that thinking when coding is an iterative process. You may need to revisit and revise your approach as you progress, and that’s perfectly normal. Embrace the learning journey and continuously seek improvement.

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Happy Coding! 🔥



Rohan Fulzele

Sr. Software Engineer (Remote) | Sharing my learnings about tech and code | React , JavaScript, TypeScript, Nodejs, DevOps