Back to writing. Hello, Medium.

Rohan Singh
2 min readNov 3, 2015


I have figured out a routine again that would enable me to write content consistently. I had a solid routine but fell out of it because that’s just what happens sometimes. This time, I plan for the routine to stick longer.

Routines are critical.

I have decided to start posting my articles on Medium as well. I don’t promote my Wordpress blog through my social network. I don’t really make an effort to get it out there. With Medium, I feel like I’m taking my blog to a blog playground where everybody gets their own blog and plays with other people’s blogs. Replace blogs with dogs and that analogy will begin to make more sense.

Dogs in a Dogpark. Blogs in a Blogpark (Medium).

I haven’t customized my Wordpress blog enough and that’s definitely on the roadmap, but I think it’s more important to start putting good content out there before I start tweaking the branding. That’s where Medium is helpful. It makes it likelier for my content to be read by people interested in my perspective on design. Also, it will make it infinitely easier for me to promote it when that day comes.

Hello, Medium. Let’s do this.

