2 Years In: The Unfiltered Truth About Entrepreneurship


Two years ago, I launched BYOB with a head full of dreams and a vision of entrepreneurial success.

But building a business from scratch has been far away from instant success stories we consume on reels all day.

Here are some of the unfiltered truths I’ve learned about entrepreneurship:

1. Funding Isn’t Everything:

One of the biggest misconceptions is the necessity of massive funding and investment. From my own experience, smart resource management and prioritizing profitability over rapid expansion and blind growth is fundamental to sustaining a business.

2. Adaptability is Crucial:

The business landscape evolves rapidly. New technologies emerge, consumer preferences shift, and markets fluctuate. So always be prepared to adapt and pivot.

At BYOB, transitioning from a product-centric to a service-oriented approach has been crucial to our growth.

3. Entrepreneurship is a Daily Challenge:

It requires resilience. Financial pressures, emotional ups and downs, and the weight of responsibilities can be daunting. Persisting through tough times, even when the temptation to quit is strong, is what actually defines a successful entrepreneur.

4. Mastering Client Relationships:

For service-oriented businesses like ours, client relationships are the lifeblood of our success. Patience, clear communication, and listening actively have been the reason for our high renewal rate.

5. The Rewards Are Meaningful:

While the challenges are real, the entrepreneurial journey offers unparalleled opportunities for growth and personal development.

Developing resilience, honing problem-solving skills, and experiencing the satisfaction of creating something from scratch that you can truly call your own are priceless rewards.

These learnings I have garnered in these 2 years — I don’t think any formal institution would be able to teach me.

If you’re considering a path into entrepreneurship, remember to look beyond the glamour of overnight success.

It’s a long-term commitment that requires you to show up daily. Not when you want.



Rohan Kapur | Chief Resume and Ghostwriter at BYOB

Write actively for LinkedIn, Wall Street Times, US Insider, NY Weekly, Forbes & Medium | Written resumes for Fortune 500 & MAANG Placements | www.byob.net.in