Founders Are Taking Over Our Feed (And It’s a Good Thing!)


Do you notice how some brands feel more genuine on social media nowadays?

It’s not just about the aesthetics; there’s a sense of personality, a human connection that cuts through the digital noise. This is founder-led marketing — a rising trend that’s here to stay and for all the right reasons.

In an age of information overload, consumers crave authenticity. They want to connect with the people behind the brands they use, the people with a story and a passion.

Founder-Led Marketing is Bridging the Gap

First let me make it clear: Founder-led marketing is not exclusively for founders.

While the term originated in the startup world, the core principles can be applied by anyone who wants to build a strong personal brand and showcase their skills and expertise.

Recently in Nikhil Kamath’s “WTF is…”? podcast, Joseph Kim talked about the traditional resume format, calling it a list of past accomplishments that often fails to show what you can actually do.

Founder-led marketing bridges that gap.

It gives you an opportunity to build a digital footprint that reflects who you are and what drives you.

This could be insightful blog posts, engaging social media content on platforms like LinkedIn (the professional networking go-to), or even personal projects you’re passionate about.

Founder-led marketing lets you say, “This is me, the real person behind the brand, and here’s why you should listen.”

Mark Zuckerberg’s recent PR strategy is another perfect example. He’s moving away from the robotic CEO image and trying to connect with audiences on a human level. And it’s working!

Don’t Chase Numbers

Here’s the reality: creating content myself, I’ve learned that authenticity is key.

Chasing likes and shares can leave you feeling burnt out. You know those posts with hundreds of likes but zero real connection? I’ve been there. Not a fun place to be.

On the other hand, I’ve had posts with a less reach that landed me a high-value client on the first call. That’s the kind of ROI that truly matters to me.

So, if you’re a founder or an aspiring entrepreneur, here’s my advice: be yourself. Don’t become a walking sales pitch.

Even if your content doesn’t go viral or your initial engagement feels low, focus on attracting the right audience. Because trust me, one quality lead is worth a million empty likes.

The future of marketing isn’t just about “people buy from people.” It’s about people connecting with passionate founders building something they truly believe in.

This is the marketing that resonates, builds lasting brand loyalty, and paves the way for long-term success.

I have discussed this in detail in my website:



Rohan Kapur | Chief Resume and Ghostwriter at BYOB

Write actively for LinkedIn, Wall Street Times, US Insider, NY Weekly, Forbes & Medium | Written resumes for Fortune 500 & MAANG Placements |