How I Lost 38 Kgs Sustainably


Losing weight is hard. It takes discipline, dedication, and a lot of hard work. But it’s possible.

I’m living proof. I’ve done it multiple times.

My highest weight has been 114 Kgs (251 lbs) and lowest 76 Kgs (167 lbs), this weight loss happened over a decade. I am 80 Kgs (176 lbs) as I write this blog.

In this blog post, I’m going to share my story of how I’ve lost weight over the last 10 years and managed to keep it off, even though it does keep coming back from time to time.

1. Find an old t-shirt you would love to get back into

I found one which I had bought in high school. It was obviously tight on me.

I hung the t-shirt on my closet door so that I would see it every morning and night. It worked better to motivate me than any fitness band.

2. Organised Tracking: Created a Google Sheet to Monitor Progress

I love google sheets and trackers.

So I used a template from work and modified it to monitor my weight, sleep, workouts, and meals.

3. Daily Tracking

Updating this tracker daily helped me stay accountable.

I weighed myself every day, this exercise at the beginning can seem daunting but trust me it keeps you in check like no other.

I also took note of my food, alcohol and weekend binges.

I also made sure to note down the amount of sleep I am getting each night. 6–7 hrs is the ideal spot for me which keeps me active and not slouchy during the day.

My workouts are still a mix of cardio, boxing and strength training.

4. Benefits of weighing Yourself Consistently

Consistently getting up on the scale showed me how my body specifically reacts to water retention and exercises.

  • Some weeks I had lost 2.6kgs in 7 days.
  • Whereas some days the weight didn’t move the entire week.
  • And some weeks I ended up gaining a kg, while working out all 7 days.

So after researching to find out what was going on. I learned that it’s common to experience water retention after starting a new diet, exercise routine or binge eating so the best metric to track is your average weight during the week.

5. Rules I live by and recommend to everyone

I decided to make a few changes to my routine to avoid regaining the weight I had lost.

First, I switched to morning workouts. I found that working out in the morning helped me control my appetite and made me more productive throughout the day.

Second, I started going to bed earlier. This helped me get more sleep and reduce my stress levels.

Third, I made some changes to my diet. I cut back on processed foods and added more protein and fibre to my meals, finishing my last meal of the day no later than 7pm.

The Outcome?

These lifestyle changes are what is needed to incorporate a healthier lifestyle. By incorporating these changes, losing weight has become a by product rather than a goal 🙂



Rohan Kapur | Chief Resume and Ghostwriter at BYOB

Write actively for LinkedIn, Wall Street Times, US Insider, NY Weekly, Forbes & Medium | Written resumes for Fortune 500 & MAANG Placements |