My Unexpected Clients: How I Helped Clients From IIM and BCG on the Same Day


Ever heard of that feeling when the universe just throws a curveball your way?

But, a really good one?

That’s exactly what happened to me the other day.

At BYOB, I help people with personal branding, and last week, I got to help people from institutions that in India (and pretty much everywhere else), hold serious weight:

  • The IIM grad: This brilliant mind was our existing client and got accepted into Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.
  • The BCG consultant: This person worked at Boston Consulting Group, a top consulting firm, but wanted to get into career counselling so was interested in knowing more about BYOB.

A common link between both these interactions was that both people were struggling with the same thing: streamlining their personal brand.

Yup, even the most accomplished individuals can sometimes find themselves tongue-tied when it comes to gathering their own thoughts.

  1. They wanted to build their personal brand, but they didn’t have a clue where to start.
  2. They were stuck in that “I know it’s important, but how do I even begin?” zone.
  3. Thankfully, they stumbled upon our services and were, let’s just say, pleasantly surprised.

Now, cracking the IIM entrance exam or landing a BCG job is something I can only dream of achieving. But the validation of helping people from these institutions hit a special spot for me, personally.

It served as a reminder to me that my passion project which is now my full time business , truly has an impact.

Ironically, I also realised that the fee I charge people like them is a tiny fraction of what they are making or are going to make. And such a small investment can over time give you a return that goes way beyond just money.

Photo by David Walker on Unsplash

Sharing this with my mom, a teacher for over 25 years, brought a whole new perspective. She sighed and said it’s a “sad state of affairs” in our professions. Parents, she said, haggle over a measly $10 for tuition fees or in my case, clients a 25% discount for a resume — things that are fundamental building blocks for a child’s future.

That conversation really stuck with me, maybe these professions might not make you millionaires but the impact outweighs the financial benefits.

That day, I realised the true value my business was driving.

Everyone has a story and deserves to tell it with confidence, no matter where they are in their journey. And I am here to help them.



Rohan Kapur | Chief Resume and Ghostwriter at BYOB

Write actively for LinkedIn, Wall Street Times, US Insider, NY Weekly, Forbes & Medium | Written resumes for Fortune 500 & MAANG Placements |