Kink Pt. 03

Nmjdytts Mhfyyeye
8 min readSep 13, 2020


“Wow? Is she always like that?!” Dillon asked Mihara with a hollow laugh. He didn’t know why but his heart hurt for this Suki chick. The more he thought about it, the more he felt like something was off.”Eh. Just leave her be,” Mihara said with a sigh and a dismissive hand wave. She wanted as much of the attention on herself and not on her emotionally volatile friend who had just caused a massive scene.”So Theodore,” she said, regaining her bubbly demeanour. “What section would you like to take?” Bouncing slightly and tilting her head to the side, she tried to exude as much ‘cute’ as possible. Mihara had always been complimented on how sexy her look was. Half Japanese with alabaster skin and the most stunning upturned eyes. A cat ear headband always adorned her head like a kinky crown. She had one to match every outfit and knew just how to work them. Everyone loved cats right? They were irresistible right?? THEN WHY WASN’T THEODORE PAYING ANY ATTENTION TO HER?! He was just looking intently at the paper in front of him, reading it purposefully. Dropping the act, Mihara pouted. This guy was impossible to crack.”So uh…not trynna pry or anything, but, trouble in paradise?” Dillon asked with a slight eyebrow raise, slinging his arm across the back of the chair and twisting to make eye contact with Mihara.”With who?” She replied, already forgetting about her friend who had just stormed off in a huff. She’d been so preoccupied with Theodore she had already forgotten Suki’s dramatics.”Suki and her boyfriend,” Dillon said bluntly, deadpanning slightly.”Oh that,” Mihara replied in a bored tone. “Yeah, well I’m suspecting he’s about to break up with her. He’s going to some big shot university cross country.””What’s his name?” Theodore asked, looking up at her. Mihara wasn’t sure why he had taken a sudden interest but she was gonna roll with it.”Rylan Temple. He’s from some heavyweight family and his father is on the committee at the uni. So he’s no doubt there on scholarship,” she rolled her eyes.”Temple is a familiar last name,” Theodore said in his usual flat tone. “I’ve met a few people with it at functions.””Oh really?” Mihara replied with a hair flick and exaggerated interested look in her eye. “It must be nice being able to go to such high end events,” she added with a sigh, hoping to hint to Theodore that she would love to go to one — with him of course. But Theodore just grimaced. He hated such lavish affairs, they were the worst! So many fake people sucking up to his father; whom he despised. Boring, shallow conversations. He could do without all of that — thank you very much!”So big-shot boyfriend is going to end it today then?” Dillon coaxed. He was still interested in hottie #2 and even though he didn’t like to benefit from the misery of others, it looked like she might be on the market very soon.”Maybe?” Mihara replied nonchalantly, annoyed that this DeLeon guy was interrupting what she hoped was an opportunity to get closer to Theodore, despite the fact he’d returned his attention to the assignment sheet — refusing to look at her. She eyed his perfect auburn hair and how it curtained his sapphire blue eyes before sighing and looking back at Dillon. “Well I’m sure I’ll find out what happened between them tomorrow,” she said, picking up a pen and figuring she should get to work………..Suki was done for the day. She’d been trying hard to stay focused on anything else so as to keep her mind off her boyfriend, but it was getting too difficult now. Her stomach churned in anticipation and her gut just told her that it was going to be over. She was ready for the fight though. He had absolutely no reason to end things between them. They were perfect for each other! They’d been dating for long enough now with nothing but happiness between them. She was content. She loved his family and they loved her. Sure, they were the typical rich family type and a lot of their interactions with her were obligatory and shallow. But they were nice none-the-less? Even though Suki herself didn’t come from the upper echelon, her father was a mathematics professor at another university and she’d inherited his analytical brain, putting her ahead of most in her class. So she refused to believe that could be the problem.Her mind mulled over every possible reason for a break up but she kept coming up with nothing — bar him wanting to move away a singleton. Throwing her things in her bag, Suki then marched off of the school grounds. Pulling her phone out, she texted Rylan — demanding they meet right away. Complying, he insisted it take place at the cafe around the corner and she made a beeline towards it. Intent on arriving first.Checking her reflection in the glass outside the shop, Suki pulled up the waistband of her denim skirt to show off a bit more of her best asset; her legs. Taking a few steadying breaths, she entered the cafe and took a seat — wringing her hands nervously.Ten minutes passed and Rylan finally arrived, sauntering in and flashing her his award winning smile. Except this time it felt a bit forced. Smiling hollowly back, Suki got up to give him a hug, making sure to show her legs as she spun them out from under the table to stand up.”Hey, Babe,” he said stiffly, accepting her hug and returning it without the usual warmth his arms had always held. Swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat, Suki returned to the table. Rylan following suit.”You want something to eat or drink?” He asked politely.”Oh, no thanks,” she said with a nervous smile. “I’m…not really hungry.””Ok,” he said quietly, looking over the menu. Suki watched him and bit her lip before clearing her throat to get his attention:”So, you wanted to talk?…about us?” She added softly.”Uh…yeah,” he replied, the apprehension showing in his voice.”What did you want to talk about exactly?” Her tone changing from nervous to slightly agitated. “Here it comes.” She braced for impact.”You sure you don’t wanna just have a chat first, then talk about heavy stuff later?” He said with a dry chuckle.”No,” Suki said firmly. “Let’s have it out. Now!”Catching her change in tone, Rylan realised she was expecting the pending break up.”Suki…you’ve been a wonderful girlfriend and we’ve had a really lovely past year…” he started. Suki’s heart was pounding in her chest, this is exactly what she didn’t want to hear. She bit the inside of her cheek to stop the tears from appearing, “…but, you know I’m going cross-country to College soon…” his words were pounding in her mind, “…and I just think I would be best if we discontinued this relationship,” he finished.”Discontinued! Discontinued! I’m not an employee, I’m his fucking girlfriend!””Why?” Suki asked abruptly. She had been over every possible excuse and couldn’t find anything she didn’t have an answer for.”Well…” He said; gaze dropping to the table. “I just don’t think a long distance relationship is fair on either of us.””I don’t care!” Suki blurted out. “I love you Ry, you’re the only one I want. Distance could never come between us.”Rylan knitted his brows in frustration, he had hoped this would be an easy break up but it looked like his fiery girlfriend wasn’t going to let him get away that easily.”Well it’s not, just that. I’m older than you and — “”I DON’T GIVE A FUCK!” Suki shouted sharply.”Hey, hey woah, keep your voice down,” Rylan hissed, glancing around at the other customers — startled by the outburst and looking in their direction. His defeated eyes met Suki’s burning gaze, accepting she was ready for the battle.”Can we talk outside?” He whispered, wanting to get the pending blow up away from any potential audience.”No!” She said again firmly. “Just tell me the truth. You’ve already made two excuses. Lame excuses might I add, and I want to know the real reason you want to break up. ESPECIALLY when we have had the most perfect relationship ever! We haven’t even had a proper fight, yet!” She added with exasperation.Sighing heavily, Rylan gave her a deflated look. “Listen ok, you’ve been great. You’re hot, fun, and easy to get along with. I’ve liked your fiery attitude at times, and you’ve taught me a lot.”Suki just watched him with her arms crossed. Rylan thought his words would make her feel better, but to her, they just felt hollow and meaningless.”You’re good Suki…but I want great.””Excuse me?!”Suki’s heart plummeted. How could he say that after all this time? She didn’t move, she couldn’t. The weight of his words pinning her to her seat. His harshness knocked all the emotion out of her and she just sat there dumbfounded, not even able to open her mouth to speak.”I’m sorry,” he said, seeing the look on her face.”Fuck you,” she replied in an icy tone. Rylan had never heard such vehemence come from her before, and feeling numbly empowered by his facial expression, Suki stood up and headed for the door.”Suki wait!” He called, jumping up to stop her from leaving; reaching out a hand to take a hold of her arm but the minute he made contact she spun and punched him square in the face. There was an audible gasp from the others in the cafe who’d stopped what they were doing to listen to the drama that was unfolding.”You deserved that, you bastard!” She growled as Rylan recoiled, holding his face. A couple of guys at the back of the shop erupted into a round of whoops and applause, but she ignored their emphatic cheering and walked out.Marching home alone…And single.

