Sources of inspiration of Dr. Ravidarshan Vyas’ astounding art journey

Hrim creations
6 min readJul 27, 2021


A true art lover doesn’t cherish any painting as a whole. They try to understand the intricacies of careful and deliberate designs, patterns, lines, expressions, etc.

If cherishing and admiring all these demands so much concentration, then what do you think, what does the artist himself go through?

Do you really think all that happens without inspiration? Certainly not!

There can be many sources of inspiration, like music, any special person, incident, pet, mythological stories, God, personal traveling experience, and so on.

Today, we’re peeping into some vibrant life incidents and traveling experiences of one of the most talented (won’t be too much, if we just say “most talented”) artists in Saurashtra, Dr. Ravidarshan Vyas.

His sources of inspiration are many, and we’ll deeply illustrate those, which motivated him to display his experiences through his paintings. We all have different standpoints towards art, and today, we’ll try to step into the shoes of Dr. Vyas, and the next 5 minutes journey is definitely going to be awesome for you.

I will share the travel escapades stories expressed in his own words. As he usually says, “It’s my painted biography.” He was fascinated. Beautiful garden of Flager house museum in West palm beach Florida and composed his painting “Dev nritya, Ardhnarishwar.”

Drenched by the splash of beautiful victory falls in Zimbabwe during his trip in 2017, he composed his African theme painting titled “Out of Africa” from the old movie he still cherishes today.

As he expresses himself…..those gratified tales….ah!

The artist himself shared his travel escapades stories, those tales are truly gratifying, and it’s such a pleasure to peep into an artist’s mind and understand his dimensions of experiences, and transforming the stories into art!

It’s not just a series of paintings, he says, it’s his painted biography, and the words fall so true. He has coined the best experiences in his paintings, and we’re here to become a part of his ventures and then connect them to his paintings.

How West palm beach, Florida became the birthplace of “Dev nritya, Ardhnarishwar”

During his Florida trip, the Flager house museum in West palm beach became the core attraction for Dr. Vyas, and a thousand thoughts went through his mind while admiring Intricate marble carvings of the Garden accessories.

The bench, unique fountain, pot holders that enhanced the beauty of the museum, and a thousand thoughts!

Yes, the outcome was a fabulous painting, “Dev nritya, Ardhnarishwar,” which he composed after returning to India. It was truly jaw-dropping to see how he used the beauty of the museum to compose the celestial garden of his painting.

In this painting, you can also find a glimpse of what’s written in the scriptures. Gods are creating this beautiful nature and life on earth through their dance and music, and if you’re a deep lover of art, then you can feel the magic. This painting sort of speaks; it feels like that!

“Out of Africa” : from Zimbabwe, through his paintbrush, to the canvas!

In 2017, he had an amazing trip to Zimbabwe, and while getting drenched by the splashes of breathtaking victory falls there, we, once again, went through a thousand imaginations.

The outcome was one more heavenly painting, which he coined “Out of Africa.” A part of the inspiration came from an old movie that he still loves to cherish sometimes.

We feel blessed that he cherished all those beautiful locations that touched his heart, and he transformed the same beauty in his painting. Every desire cannot be attained, but it can be painted on canvas, he says, and the visualization of his mind can easily be seen in his canvas work!

What that river in Sri Lanka witnessed when Maa Sita was there?

In 2016, the desire to be a forever traveler took Dr. Vyas to the riverside in Kandy, Sri Lanka, where the streets of his thoughts bent towards the streams of Maa Sita’s feeling.

Yes, one day, she must have been at that place, closing her eyes and waiting for Lord Ram with utmost desires to be taken back to home by him. Dr. Vyas closes his eyes and attempts to witness what the river witnessed.

What must have happened besides that river, we don’t know, but who can give a better illustration than Mr. Vyas. He has composed “Sita in Sri Lanka,” picturing the same riverfront, and the expression he has given to Maa Sita’s face, that’s truly remarkable. That’s something only a very deep thinker can do! Try to stare at the eyes of Maa Sita in his painting, and you’ll certainly be able to feel that restlessness in her.

Jim Corbett National Park: The inspiration source of a masterpiece painting comprising Sita with her two lovely sons

The sense of adventure and experiencing things for whole new dimensions accompanies Dr. Vyas is not only abroad, even on his domestic trips.

Jim Corbett National Park is mesmerizing, he says…rising sun and the riverfront paved the way for new imaginations to come into Dr. Vyas’ mind while he was enjoying his early morning breakfast in his hotel.

This national park is where Valmiki ashram is situated, and it was where maa Sita used to live with her two sons — Lava and Kusha, and he wondered how their life would be. This filled colours in the thoughts of Dr. Vyas, and sharing those colours with us; he created the stupefying painting “Tranquility,” which is one of the most appreciated masterpieces from his series.

Jim Corbett National Park: The inspiration source of a masterpiece painting comprising Sita with her two lovely sons

The sense of adventure and experiencing things for whole new dimensions accompanies Dr. Vyas is not only abroad, even on his domestic trips.

Jim Corbett National Park is mesmerizing, he says…rising sun and the riverfront paved the way for new imaginations to come into Dr. Vyas’ mind while he was enjoying his early morning breakfast in his hotel.

This national park is where Valmiki ashram is situated, and it was where maa Sita used to live with her two sons — Lava and Kusha, and he wondered how their life would be. This filled colours in the thoughts of Dr. Vyas, and sharing those colours with us; he created the stupefying painting “Tranquility,” which is one of the most appreciated masterpieces from his series.

