Habits that lead you to success

Rohan Chaudhary
4 min readAug 5, 2021


I never liked playing by rules or repeating the same thing every day felt like things for the people in suits. I always thought creativity comes from some abstract moments in life and that it is spontaneous.

All this was fine until a year back I started realising that even after spending almost my entire day — (i) I am neither able to complete the work I was supposed to do (ii) and also, not able to get any free time.

While introspecting, I realised part of the reason was the place where I was working. I was not anymore enjoying what I was doing. So, I decided to quit and join Brightmoat. And everything flipped. It turned out to be a completely different experience — the team is global and remote, most of the communication is asynchronous.

I got to learn one important lesson here — how habits lead you to success, and it was boring at first, to be honest. It was all that I thought success is not. But following it for the last four months, I have realised how it has changed my perspective towards growth.

Growth happens incrementally, patiently, daily that ultimately leads to success.

I have been using the below-planning structure at Brightmoat & after seeing the results, I have implemented this to achieve my personal goals.

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Let me explain to you how the planning works.

  1. Set your 3-year vision — Take some days to understand what would you want to accomplish in the next three years, that will make you happy and fulfilled.
  • We tend to be under ambitious while planning for the long term, set fascinating goals.
  • For example — my 3-year goal is that my passive income should handle all my expenses.
  • Once you have set your 3-year vision, visualise yourself in time — and imagine in 3 years if you would be able to achieve your 3-year goal, will you be happy and fulfilled?
  • If it is no — time to look inward and start questioning more on what is exactly that would make you fulfilled. Your vision can be anything like — to run and complete a triathlon in the next three years. Do not bound yourself to constraints.
  • If the answer is yes, move to the next step.

2. Set your Quarterly goals — Once you have figured out what you would want to achieve in the next three years. The next step is to draft your quarterly goals.

  • Question yourself — what goals should I achieve in the next 3 months, that will help me accomplish my 3-year vision.
  • In my case — it would be to create a Product Management course that I can sell on Gumroad.
  • Once you have written down your quarterly goals, question yourself — will it help you with your 3-year vision?
  • If no, reiterate.
  • If yes, we’ll move to the next step.

3. Set your weekly goals — weekly goals should originate from the quarterly goals.

  • Make these goals very concise, clear and measurable.
  • Concise because — to exactly know what you have to achieve.
  • Clear because — to make it readable even after three years without reference.
  • Measurable because — anything that cannot be measured, cannot be improved.
  • For example — my weekly goal for this week is to (i) watch at least two videos on how to create a video course on YT (ii) draft the introduction to the Unlearn Product course.
  • Again repeat the question, will this weekly goal make me achieve my quarterly goal?
  • If no, reiterate.
  • If yes, let’s move to the next step.

4. Time for daily goals — these goals often come from your weekly goals. These goals are equivalent to an atom.

  • When you start your day, even before reading your emails. Write down your daily goals.
  • Your daily goals should transcend from your weekly goals.
  • Once you have drafted them, reflect on them if they align with your weekly goals.
  • If no, reiterate.
  • If yes, great. It is the step you need to take today.

Daily goals are the compounding atoms that form your habits. Once you start this habit, nothing is stopping you from your vision.

But remember — Growth happens incrementally, patiently, daily that ultimately leads to success.

So be patient with the process and be kind to yourself.

Good day to you!



Rohan Chaudhary

Product | Solution Seeker | Data | Hope is a good thing.