Naming Conventions: The Key to Clean, Maintainable Code

Rohan Patel
1 min readJan 3, 2023


As a programmer, one of the most important things you can do to write clean and maintainable code is to give your methods and class names clear, descriptive names. Naming conventions may seem like a small detail, but they can have a big impact on the readability and understandability of your code.

Consider the following example:

def calculateSalesTax(total):
return total * 0.07

def sevenPercent(total):
return total * 0.07

In this example, both methods are performing similar actions — calculating a sales tax on a given total. However, the names of the methods are very different. “calculateSalesTax” clearly and concisely describes what the method is doing, while “sevenPercent” is less clear and could potentially be confusing to someone reading the code.

By using clear, descriptive names for your methods and class names, you can make your code easier to read and understand for yourself and others. This can be especially important when working on a team or when revisiting code that you wrote some time ago. When you use descriptive names, it becomes much easier to understand what your code is doing without having to dig into the details of the implementation.

In addition to making your code easier to read and understand, using clear and descriptive names can also help to prevent errors and bugs. When you use descriptive names, it becomes easier to spot mistakes or areas that may need to be refactored.

Overall, the importance of naming methods and class names cannot be overstated

