A Quick Introduction To Data Sampling And Its Types

Techno Dairy
4 min readOct 6, 2022


Data is being produced in massive quantities in this era of technology and the digital world. The number of data sources grows with time. Because of the large amount of data and the variety of data sources, data sets obtained directly from the sources can take various forms. To put it simply, raw data comes in a variety of formats and forms. Data collected from various organizations may be in various formats. Some data may be in image format, while others may be in text format. To remove noise from data to make it consistent.

Furthermore, large data sets are difficult to feed into data science and machine learning models. Selecting a specific subset of the data set from the entire data set is necessary.

In this blog, you will learn what data sampling is and its types.

What exactly is sampling?

Sampling is a data preprocessing technique commonly used to select a subset of a large data set. This selected subset of the data set primarily represents the entire data set. In other words, sampling is the small portion of the data set that exhibits all of the characteristics of the original data set. In order to deal with complexity in data sets and machine learning models, sampling is used. This technique is used by a variety of data scientists to address the issue of noise in the data set. These techniques can often solve the problem of inconsistency in a specific data set.

The sampling technique is used to solve all of these problems. Data scientists can use sampling to solve complex data science problems more easily and effectively. The sampling technique is frequently used to improve the performance and accuracy of a machine learning or data science model. The sampling techniques and their applications in machine learning can be learned in detail with the top machine learning course in Mumbai.

  • Probability Sampling

Probability sampling, also known as random sampling, is widely used in data science and machine learning. It is the most commonly used sampling method in data science and machine learning. The chances of each element being selected in the specific sample are always equal in this sampling. The data scientists select the required data elements at random from the total population of data elements in this sampling. Random sampling can sometimes provide high accuracy after feeding the data set, but it can also produce very low performance in data science models that use random sampling. As a result, random sampling should always be done with great care to ensure that the selected data records accurately represent the entire data set.


Assume there are 50 students in a class. We must choose 20 students from this class to compete. If we use random or probability sampling in this case, each student has an equal chance of being chosen. As a result, we can say that each student has an equal number of chances, and the probability of each student being chosen is 1/50.

  • Sampling stratification

Another popular type of sampling used in data science is stratified sampling. In the first stage of this type of sampling, the data records are divided into equal parts. The data scientist then selects data records at random for each group up to the required number. This type of sampling is generally superior to random sampling.

  • Sampling in Clusters

Another type of sampling that is commonly used in data science and machine learning is this. The total population of the data set is divided into specific clusters based on similarity in this type. The random sampling method can then be used to select different elements from each cluster. Data scientists can use various parameters to select the elements in each cluster. For example, elements in each cluster can be chosen based on gender or location. This type of sampling can aid in the resolution of a variety of sampling-related issues. Using a specific type of sampling can improve model accuracy.

  • Sampling in Stages

This type of sampling would be a combination of the previous types of sampling discussed. The total population of the data set is divided into clusters in this sampling. These clusters are then divided further into sub-clusters. This process is repeated until no cluster can be subdivided any further. When the clustering method is finished, we can choose specific elements from each sub-cluster to use in the sampling. This process takes time, but it is far superior to all other types of sampling. It is because it employs a variety of sampling techniques.

The samples obtained using this method represent the entire data set or population of the given data set. Data scientists prefer this sampling method over others in order to reduce errors and improve the accuracy of data science models.

  • Non-Probability Sampling

Non-probability sampling is the most common type of sampling used by researchers. Probability sampling is the inverse of this. The data elements or records are not chosen randomly in this sampling but rather by data scientists who select the samples without giving each element an equal chance of being chosen. The elements do not have equal chances of being chosen in this technique. Instead, the data scientists use various criteria to select samples from the data set.

Want to learn more about sampling and other data science techniques? Check out the trending data science course in Mumbai, and become a certified data scientist or ML expert,



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