Olive Branch

Rohini Davuluri
4 min readApr 20, 2023


This is part of yet another Creative writing attempt. This started as an attempt to write a story based on the theme of ‘Olive Branch’. Definetely fodder for something bigger I feel……enjoy!!

Ariana showed up to the wedding in an intricate pastel pink dress. The lace of the hem skimmed her mid-calf. She wore minimal make-up and left her hair untied. What was she doing at this reception? Was she out of her mind? All along it felt like the right thing to do but now she was not so sure.

She saw his friends. They were actually ‘their’ friends but now, mostly his. She came here with her father, who was busy at the bar. She took her seat and made small talk with the people at the table where she was placed but her thoughts were blank. She was pulled back down to Earth when she saw Mrs Campden, a friend of Josh‘s mother. Tipsy on her feet and holding a champagne flute Mrs Campden said, “I never expected to see you here Ariana. I thought it would be you next to Josh.”Ariana‘s cheeks flushed a bright red. She just stared at Mrs Campden not knowing what an appropriate response would be. “I guess it wasn’t meant to be,” she answered. It was too late. Mrs Campden was shuffling away in a zig-zag pattern between the tables.

She looked around to see Josh but couldn’t find him until he stood up to give a toast. He looked just as handsome as ever. Ugh! I absolutely hate him. Life is so unfair, she thought. Why did she assume that he would hang around forever?

Ariana flashed back to five years ago. She had known him all her life but somehow only the years they were dating stuck with her.

Funny how memories do that filtering thing. You only remember the good stuff with people you love or want to love. Not the multiple fights, not even the reason you do not talk anymore.

Every single time they meet Josh would say, “You look amazing.” He would never forget to compliment her. His blue eye were still dreamy to look at. They were high school sweethearts, classmates since kindergarten. Their relationship was comfortable and loving. There was no flaw, nothing was lacking. Why then, at that time did she want something different? Excitement and the unknown, that was the temptation. She knew she had stuffed it up. She claimed to take full responsibility for the downfall of their relationship …..but then what? What do you do with a life long of knowing each other and that friendship?

She could see him radiant with happiness. Him and his new bride. Whatever her name was. He deserves it she thought, just because he was the person he was. Even now, after everything she had done, he was the one who reached out with a wedding invitation, as his olive branch. She hated coming. It reminded her of the person she was and what she had done, but it was the connection. That bond they had made her feel that she had to come. She could not let go.

Was it Brett? Ariana couldn’t even remember his name. What did she gain? Yes, she had an adventure. Yes, it was fun, for a whole two seconds, but then she lost her childhood companion. She had tears in her eyes. She took a deep gulp of wine and swallowed her regret.

She was not here for love. She was here for her peace. Peace between them and within herself as well.

The best way to find peace was to confront her fear…..but confronting with alcohol always helped make it easier. She accepted another wine glass from a waiter and drank it, slowly.

After she parted ways with Josh, they never looked at each other. He was too heartbroken and she did not even care. Years went by with no communication. She moved to the city and so did he. Her dad would always update her about him. So she knew he was doing well and seeing someone. Still, the wedding invite was a shock.

She mustered up the courage to walk to his table and congratulate him. Two glasses of wine helped. As she was walking up, her heart felt heavy and her legs were taking shorter strides. She went as close to the main table as possible….. then abruptly turned around.

She found her Dad and told him that she was leaving. As she was walking out, she felt a hand grab her wrist.

“You weren’t leaving, were you?” asked Josh.

“No, umm….I think I had a little too much wine, so….,” she stuttered.

He looked at her and let her wrist go. “You look amazing, by the way,” he said. Ariana smiled in reply. She wanted him to ask her to stay.

“I can understand,” he said. “Do you wanna catch up for a coffee soon?” he asked. “I really want Katie to meet you.”

She nodded her head. “I would love that,” Ariana said.

“I gotta run. It was great seeing you,” he said.

“Ya me too,” said Ariana with a smile.

They both went their own way. Asi es la vida (that’s just life).



Rohini Davuluri

An Ophthalmic Surgeon by profession. Pursues an interest in writing, photography and is an avid reader. Often writes in the genre of realistic fiction & humour