The Myth of Immortality: Smart Contracts Aren’t Entirely Immutable

3 min readSep 4, 2023


In the world of blockchain and decentralized applications, the term “immutability” often surfaces when discussing smart contracts. Immutability implies that once a smart contract is deployed on the blockchain, its code and state cannot be altered or tampered with. While this concept holds true to a significant extent, it’s essential to understand that smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain are not entirely immutable. In this article, we’ll explore the factors contributing to this perceived immutability and shed light on scenarios where changes can occur.

Proxy Proxy Proxy

The Genesis of Immutability

Smart contracts owe their immutability to the blockchain’s fundamental principles, including decentralization, transparency, and security. When a smart contract is deployed, it becomes a part of the blockchain’s immutable ledger, and its code and state are stored across countless nodes. The consensus mechanism ensures that once a transaction is added to the blockchain, it’s practically impossible to alter or delete it.

The Misconception of Immutable Code

One aspect that contributes to the perception of immutability is the code itself. Once a smart contract’s code is deployed, it indeed cannot be modified directly. The bytecode resides on the blockchain, and there’s no built-in mechanism for altering it. Developers can’t go back and rewrite the code of a deployed contract.

However, Contracts Aren’t Static Entities

While the code itself is static, smart contracts often interact with external data sources, APIs, and other contracts. These interactions can introduce dynamism and change into the contract’s behavior, and here’s where the notion of immutability can be challenged.

1. Upgradability Patterns

Developers use upgradability patterns to allow changes to certain aspects of a contract while preserving its overall structure. Proxy contracts and contract factories are used to manage contract logic upgrades. While the core contract address remains unchanged, its functionality can be enhanced or corrected over time.

2. Data Storage and State Variables

State variables within a smart contract can change their values based on transaction inputs or external data. For example, a voting contract might update the number of votes for each candidate as users cast their votes. While this doesn’t modify the contract’s code, it changes the state and behavior of the contract.

3. Oracles and External Data

Many smart contracts rely on oracles to fetch external data, such as cryptocurrency prices or weather conditions. These oracles can introduce external influence and potentially affect a contract’s behavior.

4. Self-Destruct and Admin Privileges

In some cases, contracts are designed with self-destruct functions or admin privileges that allow certain parties to change contract behavior or terminate the contract. While these features are typically used for legitimate purposes, they also introduce an element of changeability.


In conclusion, smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain are not entirely immutable in the absolute sense. While their code cannot be directly altered, various factors, including upgradability patterns, state changes, external data, and contract management mechanisms, can introduce dynamism and change into a contract’s behavior. It’s essential for developers and users alike to be aware of these factors and exercise caution when interacting with smart contracts. Immutability is a powerful feature of blockchain technology, but it’s not without exceptions.

Blockchain and smart contract development continually evolve, and so does our understanding of contract behavior. Embracing change and adaptability while upholding security and transparency remains at the core of the blockchain ecosystem.

