Two Republican parties

Rohit Raj
2 min readSep 30, 2017


Failure of Cassidy Graham bill marks the third major failed attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare. The reason why Republicans are failing so often is that GOP is no longer a single party. Though they contest under a single banner the truth is that party now resembles a coalition of center-right and far right factions. The principle of liberal conservatism and economic liberalism that drives center-right parties like Conservative Party in the United Kingdomand Christian Union parties in Germany is incompatible with far-right elements. No wonder such parties have refused to work with far-right parties in their respective country(UKIP in United Kingdom and Afd in Germany.)

The tea party movement which started as tax protest group has radicalized a large chunk of the Republican party and has slowly drifted it towards far-right. The party that Reagan headed 30 years ago nowhere resembles its present form. Had this been any other country Tea party movement would have almost certainly resulted in a new party. In US factions usually, make Caucus rather than launch a new party. Therefore the erstwhile moderate element will always be in disagreement with the far-right element. This could result in a long gridlock within the Republican party.

The only solution forward would be a split in the party (very unlikely) or conversion of one element by the another. And after the Trump victory and recent win by Ray Moore in Alabama primaries, it seems that the latter is happening with far right in the driver’s seat.

