Installing Linux Introduction

2 min readJust now


So previously I had done a dual boot on my computer to be able to either run my windows 10 installation one of drive and then I had installed Ubuntu 22.04 on another drive. I have become so infatuated with linux, that I don’t see the need for my windows installation, however for most I highly recommend you don’t to remove your windows installation.

For some, you may not have additional drives to load ubuntu or any other linux distribution you may want to install, and may have to partition the same drive. I would be careful having them boot off of the same drive, as we've encountered instances where Windows disk repair wiped out our installation of linux up boot up and repair. So just be aware of trying to install linux on the same drive, although the rest of the internet says it should work as intended, however in this blog series we’re sadly not going to deal with it, as personally I no longer want windows running bare metal.

As I mentioned before, the first time around configuring all this, I ran Ubuntu 22.04, however this time I want something that is still elegant and pleasurable to set behind the monitor of. Not to say that ubuntu isn’t , but honestly it really isn't. I worked on my rig through my mac book more than i did using ubuntu because its not the elegant os that were all used to.

Something Ive learned about a bit more is, that there are many distributions that sit on top of Ubuntu that provide a different User interface experience that might better resemble our two most commonly used mac os or windows.

We have a few options to chose from and linux even provides a page to see there other so called “flavors.” You can see they that have different styles and beneath the surface they might provide convince for more specific use cases of the OS. However after doing my research and learning more about what others had to say, Linux Mint and option not available on that website, is what people often resort to as being one of the most reliable, maintained, and useful distributions to exist out there. Linux mint was almost as the distribution that many people couldn't find a reason to get a way from and thats why this time Im very interested in running Linux mint as my primary operating system.

And even better news, the newest release of Linux mint built on top of Ubunut 24.04 just released yesterday or the day before. Ubuntu 24.04 may include bugs I’m not aware of and for many reasons it could be a reasonable concern to recreate the server on the previous version, however we are going head strong and deal with whatever consequences whenever we get there.

So in the next blog I will share the concise steps I followed to retrieve and install my Linux Mint Wilma bare metal on my gaming rig.

