How to grow your profile on Vero: True Social?

Equinoxx Design
3 min readFeb 28, 2018


So you heard about the new app Vero… well not new but still the hype around it is new.

What is Vero?

Vero is a social media application created by Ayman Hariri, a rich billionaire, he stated that he created the app as an alternative to other social media platforms after getting tired of seeing ads on them,

If you are active on Instagram and other social media platform you must have seen someone or an influencer promote this new app.

The possible reason of sudden hype around Vero might be the build up frustration with algorithms on instagram that don’t allow your posts to be seen by majority of your followers.

Yes! Vero does not favour some posts over others as off now. Which means all posts on your feed are shown in reverse chronological order, like how it used to be on instagram before when your posts would get high engagement and flood up with comments.

That’s amazing, so how do I grow my profile on Vero?

Since hype around Vero is new, there aren’t any tutorials or tips to grow on Vero as people haven’t gotten much time to play around and experiment with it. However there are few things that are going to work without a doubt.

  1. Post and share: You have a decent amount of content on your other social media platforms, recycle that here, but also try to create original content to post on Vero. If you don’t have any content, you are in luck, Vero allows you to post the songs you are listening to, movies you have watched, books you are reading.
  2. Popular hashtags: Vero is new, there are a few popular and tending hashtags on there. Go on to the search page you will see a list of trending hashtags, use at least 4 of them in your posts. Since Vero posts are reverse chronological and not ranked on algorithm, you will show up under all hashtags and your profile will get discovered easily. You will get a lot of likes and some follows, no shadow banning!
  3. Comment on popular hashtags: Find the posts under popular hashtags and drop a genuine comment there, since people’s posts aren’t flooding with comments as of now, you will easily get noticed, and if the person resonates with your comments it’s very likely they will check your feed and if you have a decent amount of posts they will follow you.
  4. Leave your footprint where the attention is: On Instagram if you leave a comment under a top posts under any hashtag it’s likely it will get seen by a lot of people for a few days while that posts remains in the top post section for the given hashtag, this does not apply to the comments you leave on recent posts for a hashtag because in a few minutes the post you have commented on is lost at the bottom of the feed. Now the thing with Vero is, there are no top posts! However there is something else, if you go onto search tab in Vero, you will see some accounts under the section called Featured Users, this is where all the attention is, most people are going to notice these accounts and check their posts, make sure to follow these users and drop GENUINE comments under their post, since a lot of people would be checking these accounts and checking their posts chances of your comment grabbing attention would be higher!

Quick summary:

  • Keep posting
  • Popular hashtags in your posts caption (popular hashtags can be found in the search tab)
  • Engage with posts under popular hashtags by commenting and liking
  • Like multiple posts of the same user (increases their curiosity to check your profile)
  • Drop genuine comments on posts of featured users

All these tips apply on any social media platform, however due to high amount of activity on established platforms the return is slow and small.

Doing all that on a new and growing platform without a post bias algorithm will definitely make you grow super fast!

All the best!

Follow our journey on Vero: @equinoxxdesign

Thank you for reading ❤️

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