Rohit Antao Explains 5 Trends in Cloud Computing

Rohit Antao
3 min readJul 3, 2019


Cloud computing is a rapidly growing phenomenon, one that has had a considerable impact on the way organizations across the globe not only store data but conduct business. Rohit Antao, a Digital Transformation consultant, claims that the recent shift towards cloud-based services are indicative of the cloud’s many benefits: flexibility, scalability, convenience, efficiency, and reduced costs, to name a few. With the significant annual growth of the cloud technology market and analyst predictions of cloud consumption trends in enterprises, the cloud isn’t going away anytime soon. As with all technology, innovation is inevitable, and below Rohit Antao outlines the top cloud computing trends-to-watch for 2019.

Server less Computing

Server less computing has already seen considerable growth in recent years and will continue to rise in popularity in 2019. This model sees clouds carrying out pieces of code without having developers supply the underlying infrastructure. As a result, Rohit Antao explains the cloud is responsible for not only providing and configuring the platform, but also supplying a variety of tools to help design applications.

Cloud Security

Security is paramount in the technology industry, and the cloud has added to rising concerns over this issue. According to Rohit Antao, who holds a master’s degree in information security from Carnegie Mellon University, protecting only the perimeter of a network is no longer enough. For businesses that run in the cloud, while the cloud provider is responsible for the security of the cloud, the customer is responsible for security in the cloud. This means that businesses must have a strategy and approach towards cloud security.

Hybrid Cloud

Rohit Antao claims that hybrid cloud solutions are the way of the future, as the public cloud is not suitable for all types of businesses. This new hybrid cloud model provides a much-needed solution for organizations looking to merge their existing infrastructure with both public and private clouds. Beyond this are multi-cloud solutions, which take hybrid solutions a step further by allowing users to run data on any type of cloud they like. Thus, businesses can store their data on multiple clouds of any kind (public, private, or hybrid) and even have the option of connecting them.

AI Platforms

In recent years, artificial intelligence has become an increasingly prominent element of most cloud software, and this trend isn’t stopping in 2019. For various reasons, intelligence is being added in one form or another to product suites offered by every major cloud software company. AI features range from chatbots and predictive analytics tools to recommendation search engines and automated data extraction. Beyond speed and efficiency, artificial intelligence platforms are experiencing a boost in popularity due to their cost-effective nature, claims Rohit Antao. These platforms have the ability to make simple tasks automated and to take over some of the responsibilities for more costly labor tasks, like data copying.

Edge Computing

Edge Computing is the method of processing data at the edge of the network. While previously thought of as the passageway that data goes through before entering the cloud (where the real processing occurred), the edge is gaining power as of late. The newfound importance of edge computing is owing to the increased use of IoT products. Rohit Antao predicts that in 2019, IoT architects will continue developing devices that provide data services, real-time analytics, and artificial intelligence.



Rohit Antao

Digital Transformation Consultant