straw bale construction

2 min readOct 20, 2016

Straw-bale construction is a building method that uses bales of straw (commonly wheat, rice, rye and oats straw) as structural elements.advantages of straw bale construction is that renewable nature of straw , easily available, naturally fire-retardant and high insulation value.

there are some disadvantages too like in cities we don't have much space so that we can use this kind of method because this method requires high space for the straw itself. another disadvantage of that is the moisture content that will affect the strength of the constructive building, the moisture content in straw bale houses should be low.

straw bale garden

another use of straw bale can be in gardening Joel Karsten’s Straw Bale Garden’s article in the New York Times “Straw Bale Gardening is simply a different type of container gardening. The main difference is that the container is the straw bale itself and is held together with two or three strings. Once the straw inside the bale begins to decay the straw becomes “conditioned” compost that creates an extraordinary plant rooting environment. Getting the straw bales conditioned is an essential part of the process, and should be started two weeks prior to your target planting date wherever you are located. This gardening technique works well anywhere in the country or the world for that matter”.

