2 min readFeb 9, 2018


5) Hexagonal Pattern :

In this pattern, the entire area is provided with a network of roads formatting hexagonal figures. At each corner of the hexagon, three roads meet the built-up area boundary by the sides of the hexagons is further divided in suitable sizes.


1) Three roads meet the built-up area boundary by the sides of the hexagons.


1) Traffic signs, pavement markings, and lighting should be adequate so that drivers are aware that they should reduce their travel speed.

6) Minimum Travel Pattern :

In this road pattern, city is contented by sector center, suburban center and neighborhood center by the road which required minimum to connect the city center.

Legend: City center — encircled dot- sector center — * suburban center — * neighborhood center — * representation of a Minimum Travel city


1) these types of potentially serious crashes essentially are eliminated.


1) Traffic signs, pavement markings, and lighting should be adequate so that drivers are aware that they should reduce their travel speed.

2) Intersections can be especially challenging for older drivers.

