
14 min readNov 1, 2023


Your personal online psychiatrist consultant

The Mindbridge mobile application is a pioneering solution with the ambitious goal of transforming the landscape of mental health care by offering immediate and hassle-free access to leading psychiatrists in India. This comprehensive UI/UX case study is dedicated to a thorough exploration of the app’s design and the user experience it delivers, shedding light on the thoughtfully crafted interface and its impact on facilitating accessible, secure, and convenient mental health support for users in need.


Understanding the Problem

Globally, accessing timely and effective mental health care remains a significant challenge, characterized by long waiting times and convoluted appointment processes. The absence of a user-friendly and accessible platform for individuals to connect with top psychiatrists hinders their ability to seek immediate support for their mental health concerns. To bridge this gap, there is an urgent need for an innovative mobile application that not only provides on-demand access to renowned psychiatrists but also ensures the utmost privacy and security, thereby revolutionizing mental health care delivery worldwide. This problem statement forms the foundation for the development of the Mindbridge application.


To address the global challenge of accessing timely and effective mental health care, we propose the creation of the Mindbridge mobile application. Mindbridge aims to revolutionize mental health care by providing a comprehensive solution that offers on-demand access to top psychiatrists worldwide, overcoming the barriers of long waiting times and complex appointment processes. The application will be designed with a user-friendly interface, ensuring ease of use for individuals seeking immediate support for their mental health concerns.

User Research

Conducting a range of user research methods is imperative for an app like Mindbridge, which seeks to offer immediate access to top psychiatrists while emphasizing user-friendliness, privacy, and security. I have already conducted research that has yielded valuable data and steered our project in the right direction.

User Surveys

I initiated a comprehensive user survey as the foundational cornerstone of our research efforts, serving as the essential starting point to establish a baseline understanding for the Mindbridge app. This survey not only paved the way for subsequent in-depth research phases but also yielded valuable quantitative data that is instrumental in making informed decisions, particularly in shaping the main features and functionalities of the app. The insights gathered from this survey are invaluable in guiding the strategic direction of our mission to transform mental health care.

The questions in the forms are :

The Questions are :

  • How satisfied are you with the accessibility of mental health care services in your area?
  • What features would you consider most important in a mental health app? (Select up to three)
  • How important is the security and privacy of your data when using a mental health app?
  • How quickly would you prefer to connect with a mental health professional in times of need?
  • Would you be more likely to use a mental health app that provides 24/7 access to professionals, even during weekends and holidays?
  • What are the main challenges you face when seeking mental health care? (Select up to three)
  • Please rate the importance of the following factors in an app like Mindbridge on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “not important” and 5 being “very important.”
  • Is there anything else you would like to share about your mental health care needs, preferences, or experiences? [Open-ended]

User Personas

I’ve gathered data on user personas from individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives, allowing me to gain valuable insights into their behavior, preferences, and needs. This comprehensive dataset has been instrumental in uncovering patterns and trends that inform the design and development of the Mindbridge app.

By delving into the intricacies of each user persona, I have successfully pinpointed their distinct needs and pain points. These revelations are not just informative but serve as a guiding light in the development of the Mindbridge application. They inform us about what the app should encompass, how it should behave, and what features need to be prioritized to meet the diverse requirements and expectations of our user base. In essence, the user personas provide a detailed roadmap for the app’s behavior, ensuring that it resonates with the real-life needs and experiences of our potential users.

User Interviews

User interviews stand as an essential and inescapable facet of user research. They serve as a direct conduit for engaging with our users, providing us with profound insights into their experiences, perspectives, and needs. As we pressed forward in our journey to bring the Mindbridge app to life, we came to a pivotal realization — comprehending the intricacies of user needs and behaviors necessitated a more profound approach. The logical progression was to conduct user interviews, a fundamental element within our user research arsenal.

In our quest to develop the Mindbridge app, we consistently acknowledged that these interviews played a pivotal role. They bridged the gap between quantitative data and the human narratives that lay beneath. The interviews offered us a deeper layer of comprehension, granting us direct access to the thoughts and experiences of our potential users, ultimately shaping the path toward a more user-centered design.

  • Can you briefly introduce yourself, including your name, age, and occupation or major?
  • Have you ever sought professional help for mental health concerns in the past?
  • What led you to seek mental health support, and what was that experience like for you?
  • How do you envision a mobile app like Mindbridge assisting you in your mental health journey?
  • What specific features or functionalities would you find most valuable in an app designed for mental health support?
  • When it comes to discussing personal mental health concerns, how important is data privacy and security for you?
  • What measures or features would you expect an app like Mindbridge to have in place to ensure your data’s confidentiality?
  • How quickly would you prefer to connect with a mental health professional during a crisis or when you need support?
  • How do you think an app can provide convenience while ensuring timely access to professionals?
  • What challenges have you encountered when seeking mental health care or support, whether online or offline?
  • Are there any stigmas or concerns that you associate with discussing mental health issues, especially in a digital context?
  • Do you have a preference for communicating with mental health professionals, such as chat, phone calls, or video calls? If so, why?
  • Would you prefer anonymity or sharing your identity when interacting with professionals through the app?
  • Based on your experiences, what advice would you offer to make the app more user-friendly and supportive?

These are bundles of question I prepared for the user interview and which helped me a lot for gaining the data.

The user interviews not only deepened our understanding of user needs but also served as a reality check for our design and development strategies. These interviews reminded us that behind every data point, there’s a person with unique experiences and challenges. They were instrumental in ensuring that the Mindbridge app would genuinely meet those needs and improve the mental health care experience.

The insights from user interviews provided a more holistic view of our target audience and guided us in making user-centric decisions throughout the development process.


In the Define phase of our research for the Mindbridge app, we sought to gain a profound understanding of user needs, expectations, and the challenges they face in the realm of mental health care. This phase was instrumental in shaping the project’s direction, and it was not without its own set of challenges,

With a deep understanding of the challenges, we framed a problem statement to guide our mission:

‘“Globally, accessing timely and effective mental health care remains a significant challenge, characterized by long waiting times and convoluted appointment processes. The absence of a user-friendly and accessible platform for individuals to connect with top psychiatrists hinders their ability to seek immediate support for their mental health concerns. To bridge this gap, there is an urgent need for an innovative mobile application that not only provides on-demand access to renowned psychiatrists but also ensures the utmost privacy and security, thereby revolutionizing mental health care delivery worldwide.”’

Understanding Challenges

Throughout the process of gathering information and conducting research, I encountered several challenges that could potentially impact the research negatively. I proactively identified and addressed these issues before proceeding with each session. The primary challenges I encountered include:

Identifying Recruitment Challenges

One of the initial hurdles was finding and recruiting a diverse range of participants who authentically represented the target user base. The sensitive nature of the topic often led to hesitancy among potential users to participate. To address this, we employed multiple recruitment methods, from online platforms to mental health support groups, and offered incentives to encourage participation.

Navigating User Comfort and Openness

The sensitive and personal nature of discussions surrounding mental health presented an inherent challenge. Users might be uncomfortable discussing their experiences, concerns, or past treatments openly, especially with an unfamiliar interviewer. To overcome this challenge, we invested significant effort in creating a safe, non-judgmental environment. We assured users of the confidentiality and anonymisation of their responses and structured interviews to start with more general questions before delving into more sensitive areas.

Tackling Recall Bias

Users’ ability to recall and accurately describe past experiences was another challenge. This was especially relevant when users recounted events that occurred some time ago. To mitigate recall bias, we used probing questions to elicit more detailed responses and encouraged users to provide specific examples or anecdotes to jog their memories.

Addressing Social Desirability Bias

User interviews are susceptible to social desirability bias, where participants may provide answers they believe are socially acceptable rather than expressing their genuine feelings or experiences. To counter this, we established rapport with users, creating a more comfortable atmosphere that encouraged honest and open sharing. We framed questions in a non-judgmental manner to minimize bias.

Handling Time Constraints

Time constraints were another factor that influenced the depth of information we could gather. Many users had limited availability for interviews. To address this, we prioritized questions, ensuring that the most critical topics were covered first, and remained respectful of the user’s time, focusing on gathering essential information.

These challenges, while significant, were not insurmountable. They underscore the complexity of user research in the context of mental health care. By acknowledging and addressing these challenges, we aimed to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our research findings and provide a robust foundation for the development of the Mind bridge app.

Understanding User Needs, Pain Points, and Solutions

In the Define stage of our research, we delved deeper into understanding the fundamental aspects that would shape the Mindbridge app. This phase involved a comprehensive exploration of user needs and the pain points they encounter in their mental health care journey. Here’s what we discovered:

In the Define stage, we’ve uncovered the core user needs and the pain points that have driven our vision for the Mindbridge app. These insights serve as the foundation upon which we will build a user-centered and effective solution that transforms the mental health care landscape for the better.


In the Ideation stage, I am poised to generate innovative solutions and ideas that will shape the Mindbridge app into a user-friendly, secure, and effective mental health support platform. An ideation session is the next logical step in our journey, and it is fundamental to the success of the project.

A Collaborative Brainstorming Session

I embarked on a collaborative journey to identify the central themes that would guide the development of the Mindbridge app. Our commitment to understanding the user landscape, their needs, and the project’s scope is unwavering.

The Purpose of the Brainstorming Session

A brainstorming session at this juncture serves several essential purposes:

  • Problem Framing: It helps us clearly define the challenges and objectives we face. By outlining the scope of the Mindbridge app, we can identify the most pressing issues and opportunities.
  • User Needs Identification: The session encourages cross-functional collaboration to pinpoint the fundamental needs of our target users. This sets the stage for designing a solution that addresses these needs effectively.
  • Creativity and Innovation: It fosters a culture of creativity and innovation within the team, encouraging participants to think beyond the obvious and generate unconventional ideas.


  • Introduction: Begin with an overview of the Mindbridge app project, its objectives, and the user research findings from the Define stage. Ensure that everyone has a shared understanding of the project’s context.
  • Problem Framing: Engage participants in discussing the core challenges and objectives of the project. What are the key pain points users face in mental health care, and how can we address them? What are our overarching goals for the app?
  • User Needs and Pain Points: Encourage participants to share insights and findings from the user research conducted in the Define stage. What are the identified user needs and pain points? How do these align with the challenges and objectives?
  • Discussion and Categorization: After the initial idea generation, engage in a discussion to clarify, refine, and categorize the ideas. Identify common themes and overarching solutions.
  • Action Plan: Summaries the key takeaways from the brainstorming session. What are the main themes and innovative ideas that have emerged? Discuss the next steps, which may include creating prototypes, conducting user testing, or further research.

Expected Outcomes

The brainstorming session proved to be a fruitful endeavor, yielding a spectrum of innovative ideas. By delving into the realm of user needs and pain points, I’ve armed myself with the tools to craft a user-centric solution capable of effectively addressing these challenges.

This session not only stirred my creative energies but also laid a strategic foundation for the development of the groundbreaking Mindbridge app. It initiates a comprehensive design and development process that remains closely aligned with the user needs, challenges, and objectives I’ve meticulously identified.

Information Architecture

After a comprehensive analysis of the various challenges and user requirements, it is now the opportune moment to move forward with the implementation of solutions and the development of the information architecture, which can be likened to a compact sitemap for our application. This information architecture serves as a vital tool for visualising the application’s structure and flow, providing a clear roadmap to guide our development efforts in the right direction.


Following the define and Ideation stages, we transitioned into the Design phase, where we embarked on the task of creating wireframes. Wireframes serve as the foundational blueprints of the Mindbridge app, delineating its structure, layout, and functionality.

Lo-Fidelity Wireframe
High Fidelity Prototype

Font & Colors

Why this Font ?

After a some in-depth user research and various user feedback I cam across the the Airbnb Cereal font-family which is a most famous future fonts.There are different reasons why I choose it , They are :

  • User-Centered Approach: The choice of Airbnb Cereal is based on the font’s user-centric qualities, including readability and accessibility. It’s essential for ensuring that our users can effortlessly consume content and navigate through our web applications without any hindrances. User feedback played a significant role in this decision, as it confirmed that Airbnb Cereal resonates well with our audience, contributing to a positive and memorable user experience.
  • Scalability and Adaptability: Airbnb Cereal’s scalability ensures that our font remains sharp and clear on a wide range of screen sizes and resolutions. This adaptability is vital in today’s multi-device landscape, where users access our applications from smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops.

In summary, the decision to apply Airbnb Cereal as our font family is the result of a thorough and user-driven design process. It not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of our mobile applications but also contributes to an optimal user experience, aligns with our branding, and facilitates a more efficient design workflow. This choice reflects our commitment to delivering a polished and user-friendly digital environment for our audience.

Why this theme and colors?

The choice of green, teal, blue, white, and black as my theme colors for Mindbridge is a strategic and visually appealing decision. Each of these colors conveys specific meanings and emotions, which I believe align with the app’s goals and user experience. Here’s a breakdown of the significance of these colors:

  • Green: I have selected green to symbolize growth, renewal, and harmony. In the context of a mental health app like Mindbridge, green represents the journey of personal growth and healing. It’s a color that brings a sense of calm and balance, making users feel more at ease when seeking support.
  • Teal: Teal is a blend of the calming properties of blue with the renewing qualities of green. It represents open communication, emotional balance, and support. In the context of Mindbridge, teal signifies the safe and empathetic space where users can discuss their mental health concerns.
  • Blue: Blue, my chosen color, is associated with trust, reliability, and professionalism. It’s often used in healthcare and mental health apps to instill a sense of trustworthiness. It can also convey a sense of stability and dependability in the support offered.
  • White: I have opted for white as a symbol of purity, clarity, and simplicity. It serves as a clean and uncluttered background color for the app’s user interface. In the case of Mindbridge, white represents the clarity and transparency in the app’s communication and services.
  • Black: Black is employed as an accent or contrast color in my color scheme. It signifies sophistication, strength, and formality. In the context of Mindbridge, black is used sparingly to emphasize important elements or to provide a sense of elegance in the app’s design.

I aim to use these colors harmoniously to create a visually pleasing and emotionally resonant user experience. The selection of these colors is not only aesthetically driven but also aligned with the principles of color psychology, ensuring that they enhance the app’s usability and the emotional connection of users to the Mindbridge platform.


For psychiatrists
For users

Optimization — Post-Launch Testing for Increased Conversion

With the Mindbridge app successfully deployed and accessible to users, the journey doesn’t end; it evolves. The post-launch phase is where we fine-tune the user experience and maximize the conversion rate to ensure that our platform is as effective as it can be.

Types of Post-Launch Testing

  • A/B Testing: This involves comparing two versions of a web page or app to determine which one performs better. It’s a powerful method for optimizing user interfaces, feature placement, and call-to-action elements.
  • Usability Testing: By observing how users interact with the app and collecting direct feedback, we gain insights into usability issues and opportunities for improvement.
  • Performance Testing: Ensuring the app’s speed and responsiveness is crucial. Performance testing helps identify and address any bottlenecks or slow-loading features.
  • Conversion Funnel Analysis: We examine user behavior at various stages of the conversion funnel, from initial app download to desired actions, such as appointment bookings. This analysis helps us understand where users drop off and make necessary adjustments.

Post-launch testing is a critical phase that ensures the Mindbridge app remains adaptable and responsive to user needs and preferences. Continuous refinement and optimization are essential in the pursuit of higher conversion rates and an improved overall user experience.


