Rohit Kadav
3 min readJul 2, 2023

17 Lessons on Manipulation I Learned from the "Monster" Anime

The world of anime is often filled with thought-provoking stories that explore complex themes and human nature. One such anime, "Monster," delves deep into the realm of manipulation, examining the psychological tactics employed by individuals to control others. In this blog post, we will explore 17 valuable lessons on manipulation that can be gleaned from watching "Monster."

1. The Power of Charm:
One of the primary tools of manipulation is charm. Johan Liebert, the enigmatic antagonist of "Monster," exhibits an irresistible charm that draws people towards him, making them susceptible to his influence.

2. The Mask of Deception:
Manipulators often hide their true intentions behind a facade of kindness and innocence. By maintaining a deceptive mask, they gain the trust of their victims.

3. Emotional Exploitation:
Manipulators exploit the emotions of their targets, using their vulnerabilities against them. They can instill fear, guilt, or sympathy to control their actions.

4. Gaslighting:
Gaslighting is a technique commonly employed by manipulators to make their victims doubt their own perceptions, memory, and sanity. By distorting reality, they gain control over their victims' thoughts and actions.

5. Playing with Trust:
Manipulators prey on trust, slowly building it before exploiting it for their own gain. They use trust as a weapon to manipulate their victims without raising suspicion.

6. Isolation:
Manipulators often isolate their targets from their support networks, leaving them vulnerable and reliant solely on the manipulator. This isolation makes it easier to control and manipulate the victim's thoughts and actions.

7. Cultivating Dependency:
Manipulators create a sense of dependency within their victims. By providing assistance or favors, they ensure that the victims become reliant on them, making it difficult for them to break free from their influence.

8. Strategic Information Control:
Manipulators carefully control the information their victims receive, limiting their access to knowledge that could challenge or weaken the manipulator's hold over them.

9. Exploiting Empathy:
Empathy is a powerful human trait, but manipulators exploit it to their advantage. They manipulate their victims by appealing to their compassion, making it difficult for them to resist their demands.

10. Using Fear as a Weapon:
Manipulators skillfully use fear to control their victims. By instilling a constant sense of threat or danger, they keep their targets in a state of heightened vulnerability and dependency.

11. Divide and Conquer:
Manipulators create divisions among their victims, pitting them against each other. This strategy weakens their collective power and makes it easier for the manipulator to maintain control.

12. Subtle Manipulation Techniques:
Manipulators employ subtle techniques, such as persuasion, flattery, and manipulation of circumstances, to exert control over their victims without arousing suspicion.

13. Psychological Warfare:
Manipulators engage in psychological warfare, exploiting their victims' deepest fears, insecurities, and past traumas. They use this knowledge to break down their victims mentally and emotionally.

14. Exploiting Power Imbalances:
Manipulators often exploit power imbalances, such as hierarchical relationships or social dynamics, to control and manipulate their victims. They use their position of authority to exert influence.

15. Orchestrating Coincidences:
Manipulators create seemingly coincidental situations that align with their plans. By manipulating events and circumstances, they gain control over the outcome and the perception of their victims.

16. Masterful Manipulation of Perception:
Manipulators are adept at manipulating the perceptions of others. They shape narratives, control information flow, and use misinformation to shape their victims' understanding of reality.

17. Strategic Timing:
Manipulators choose the perfect moments to exert their influence. They strike when their victims.

Rohit Kadav

I write about the new things that I learn everyday 😊