Rohit singh
3 min readOct 6, 2022

How to create cold emails that get results?

When it comes to email marketing. There are a lot of applications that come in each day.

It can be difficult to stand out from the crowd and make your email stand out from the rest.

However, with a little bit of creativity and strategy, you can make sure that your email gets noticed.

Whoever you are maybe a freelancer who is trying hard to get his first client,

A salesperson who wants to pitch to sell his product,

Or a normal employee who wants to discuss his ideas with his manager or his CEO and grab their attention.

Whatever your reason might be. In this blog post, we will show you how to create a cold email that gets results.

So read on.

Cold email meaning?

Cold email is a method through which you can connect to your potential client without any prior contact across the globe. It is an easy and friendly way to reach the client or the company and can build a healthy relationship eventually.

5 Tips for Writing Cold email that works?

The goal of writing the cold email is to build a healthy relationship with the stranger with whom you want to work closely. So, you have to draft your email attractive, short and crisp, therefore, it can grab the client’s attention.

· Introduce yourself

Introduce yourself in the first line of your email, which includes your Full name, your designation, your company name, or something that grabs the attention of your potential client. Introducing yourself becomes important because it helps to gain their interest and therefore, in the future if your client shows some interest in you it will be easy for him to communicate.

· Using a Catchy subject line

Your Cold email subject line should be the same as your Newspaper heading so that after reading the heading reader should develop an interest or a sense of curiosity. What is written in the body? Let’s read it. If your subject line is not catchy, No one will be reading your further content of the email.

· Come directly to the point

Avoid starting your email writing with ‘Hey, I am [X]. I am good at this and will be an asset if you hire me ‘. That’s the wrong approach. Rather let’s say you know the client is dealing with some problem and you can help him with the same. So, you could say “I can resolve this [particular issue] if you follow these tips” or say I have met you before do you want to know where did I met you”. Simple.

Try to build a relationship with your client, not pitch or show him how good you are. Trust me he is not interested in knowing this, but focus on what values you can add if you get a chance.

· Keep your email short, precise, and on Target

Avoid writing those long emails hoping that they will get a response. You are not there for writing an essay. What works the best is to show them their stress points, where they are lacking, and how you can help them in resolving the same or something that talks about their benefits. Shorter messages have a greater chance of being opened and increase the chance of getting a response to your email.

· Research and Personalizing

If you follow that particular client and you are knowing about his company, interest, some award or something praiseworthy they got recently. Directly mention it in the subject line. People love to read or listen to their applause and by doing this you have increased the chance that your client will open your email.


Do remember these tips in mind and create your upcoming cold email, you are going to succeed. One more thing there is no universal formula to create a perfect cold email, just follow these tips and keep experimenting. The experiment is the key. If you get ignored once, give it another try. Don’t stop sending emails because of the fear of getting ignored and believe it you will get ignored the majority of the time, but if you are making consistent efforts you will succeed eventually.