Buy Natural off-White Diamond from Chordia Jewels

rohit sharma
3 min readDec 21, 2021

10 Things that you should know about May Birthstone

Emerald is a gem full of meaning and magic, capturing hearts with its unique beauty. This is one of the four precious gemstones, famous for their stunning green color. This enthrallingly beautiful gemstone is also known as the May birthstone. From Egypt’s female monarch Cleopatra to several Hollywood contemporaries everyone has been enamored with this glamorous green gemstone. Here are some interesting facts about this stunning beauty that will make you influential in May’s birthstone.

1. It’s Name

The emerald gemstone derived its name from the Greek word smaragdus, meaning green. It is the most desirable member of the Beryl mineral. The rich green hue of an emerald indicates the presence of chromium or vanadium.

2. Symbolism

Emeralds are said to have a variety of beneficial and mystical properties. This vibrant gem is regarded as a symbol of happiness, abundance, and rebirth. They are thought to cure diseases, protect the wearer from evil, and bring good luck. Emeralds are also thought to bring calm, promote creativity, and sharpen one’s intuition and perception. They are said to bestow good luck, love loyalty, the ability to predict the future, honesty, intelligence, truthfulness, hope, and faith. In a nutshell, emeralds represent fortune, love, faith, balance, kindness, and sympathy.

3. When a Carat Isn’t Really a Carat

As these are denser than diamonds, 1ct emeralds frequently appear larger than 1ct diamonds. It means that the gemstone may appear larger when compared to a Natural Off-White Diamond, even if the carat weight in grams is the same.

4. Stone with positive qualities

All gemstones have positive meanings, but emerald has a particularly interesting history. It is said to bring the wearer peace and inner wisdom and is linked to resilience and attracting love. People used to put this stone under their tongues to see into the future, giving rise to the emerald’s reputation as the “stone of truth.

5. Home to tiny gardens

Emeralds, like Natural Off-White Diamond and other gems, contain natural inclusions. However, in emeralds, they are sometimes known by the name ‘jardin’ — the French word for ‘garden’ — as a nod to the inclusions’ subtle moss-like appearance. Inclusions and tiny fractures are popular in emeralds, and oiling emeralds helps to reduce the illumination of these internal factors.

6. Features Star

A trapiche is a rare type of emerald that has a six-pointed star blooming from its center. Trapiche emeralds form as the beryl crystal grows, with black carbon filling the emerald’s crystal junctions to form the radial, star-like pattern. They can appear to be quite large, weighing several grams at times.

7. Symbol of eternal love

Emeralds are not only known worldwide for May birthstone but they are also associated with prosperous and long marriages. These are given in celebration of the 55th wedding anniversaries, denoting how rare and precious such a successful relationship can be.

8. Most Rarest Gem

The emerald, known as the rarest of gems, is typically found with fine inclusions. Despite the presence of inclusions, a deep green emerald is more valuable than a flawless emerald of paler color. The most stunning emeralds have a deep bluish hue in addition to their vibrant green color.

9. Hardness

The hardness of the gemstone protects it from scratches, whereas its brittleness makes cutting and setting difficult. The emerald cut was developed by gem cutters specifically for this gem. This cut highlights the gemstone’s beauty while minimizing mechanical strain.

10. Perfect for Jewelry

This magnificent green gemstone has been gracing red carpet events for years. Wearing them as rings, pendants, or bracelets can add a lot of class to your outfits. A stunning pair of emerald stud earrings can add to the allure of your casual ensemble. While a lovely emerald pendant can add much-needed sparkle to your work attire. A stunning emerald ring or emerald bracelet will complete your party look and ensure that you are the center of attention. This glitzy green gemstone is also popular for engagement rings and bridal sets. Emeralds, with their enticing green allure, are unquestionably eye-catching.

We’re completely captivated by this enthralling gemstone; how about you? Do you want to add this lovely green gemstone to your collection? Check out Chordia Jewels’ extensive collection of emerald rings, earrings, bracelets, and pendants. We have emerald jewelry in both vintage and contemporary styles. With customization options for gemstone quality, carat weight, and metal, you’re sure to find something you like.



rohit sharma

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