PinnedRoey MechrezThe Importance of Feedback for Employees and AIFrom employees to AI models — feedback is a powerful tool that moves your business forward.Apr 12, 202212Apr 12, 202212
Roey MechrezWhy Building a Solid Culture is Key to Weathering a RecessionThe Importance of Vulnerability, Psychological Safety, Visibility, Communication, and Behavioral ContributionDec 20, 2022Dec 20, 2022
Roey MechrezHow machines, data and humans can lead the new manufacturing eraWe are in the midst of the 4th industrial revolution, and data is consuming the world. Technology, marketing, and finance are among the…Sep 30, 2022Sep 30, 2022
Roey MechrezWhy Did I Decide to be an Entrepreneur?Answering a WHY question is always a complex task. It requires going deep into the reasons. People often respond why questions from a place…May 17, 2022May 17, 2022
Roey Mechrezהגיגים על ניהול סטארט-אפלפני כמעט ארבע שנים הצטרפתי כשותף לסטארטאפ — מסע מטלטל, מרגש, מסעיר, מלמד, מפקח ומלא בתובנות. יצא לי להתבונן לא פעם על החוויות אותן אני…Feb 20, 2022Feb 20, 2022