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ISTQB Revealed: My personal experience and tips for success

Maciej Rojek
4 min readJul 17, 2023
Photo by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu on Unsplash

The ISTQB Exam

So, you wanna pass the ISTQB Foundation Level exam, huh? Well, you’ve come to the right place. I’m not gonna bore you with a long introduction about what ISTQB is or why you should get certified. If you’re reading this, you probably already know all that stuff.

Instead, I’m gonna give you some straight-to-the-point tips on how to pass the exam. I’m gonna tell you what you need to know, and I’m gonna tell you how to study for it. So if you’re ready to get started, let’s do this!

How long do you need to prepare?

If you’re already a skilled tester, you’re definitely one step ahead, since you might already be familiar with some of the terms and even apply them in your current work.

So, how long would it take you to prepare? Well, it really depends on how quickly you can grasp new things and remember them.

How long it takes for you to prepare also depends on the plan you follow and the materials you use.

Personally, my preparation took 4 full days, however for a completely new person it may take even 2–3 weeks (or even longer, don't feel discouraged by this rough estimation), this is due to the fact that except for just reading, you shall also google what are the key concepts and what those test artifacts actually are.

How to study for the exam

Don’t just read the boring syllabus, my friend! It’s important, but uhh… it’s as exciting as watching grass grow.

Instead, there are some other sources that will make sure your journey is smoother and will help you to connect the dots between all the concepts and give you a full picture of the knowledge you have to digest and understand

How did I prepare?

  1. Foundations of Software Testing: ISTQB Certification book

— This book is a game changer because it has easy-to-understand introductions at the start of each chapter. These intros explain what will be covered and why it matters. This is especially useful for new testers who may not have a lot of knowledge yet. Instead of just memorizing boring facts, the book presents the information in a way that is interesting and easy to grasp.

At the end of each chapter in this book, you will find practical mock exam questions for testing your knowledge. The convenient feature is that the answer section provides a direct reference to the corresponding chapter, allowing you to quickly understand the concept if you answered the question incorrectly.

Just a friendly disclaimer: What follows is purely my own personal endorsement, and no one bribed me with a lifetime supply of pizza to promote it.

2. Youtube videos that are actually useful

This playlist is straight fire, it breaks down all the ISTQB chapters like a boss, but man, those cringe tunes at the beginning of each episode are like an earache on steroids. But hey, desperate times call for desperate measures!

I have used this playlist on my walks to listen when I couldn’t read the book any more — seriously, do go through it, it’s all out there for free!

3. Sample Tests

  • You can find them by clicking the link above, seriously go through them, because the exam tends to be “tricky” if you will… Get used to the way the questions are being asked and don’t just rely on yourself thinking you understand the material.
  • Also, a good idea would be to time yourself and give yourself the comfort of knowing that you’ve previously finished exams in the designated time, normally the exam takes 60 minutes, and you’re getting an extra 25% time if English is not your first language (and you’re taking it in English)
  • If you have answered the question incorrectly — do check the explanation in the book, and possibly google why you’ve got it wrong, or read around the topic, this is really helpful and you will benefit from it drastically in the future

Is ISTQB truly beneficial?

Opinions vary, but it certainly facilitates communication among testers. Can it improve job prospects? Possibly, especially for those without experience. Is it valuable for someone with extensive experience? Probably not as much.

Alternative opinions from highly valued testers can be found here and here. (I highly suggest reading it)😃


Passing the ISTQB Foundation Level exam can be a bit tricky, but with the right approach, it’s totally doable. Instead of relying solely on the syllabus, try using additional study materials and practice tests to get a better understanding of the topics. By studying smart and not just hard, you can increase your chances of success.

And hey, if any of these tips help you pass the exam, consider buying me a coffee. Here’s the link.

Best of luck with your exam prep!



Maciej Rojek

Automation test engineer @ Madison Logic | Cryptocurrencies enthusiast | Meme Lord 🧙