Cryptocurrency Exchange by Cybersecurity Professionals Launched

4 min readJul 31, 2019


It was only inevitable that cybersecurity and cryptocurrency would go together, and unsurprisingly exactly cybersecurity specialists should implement this. Meet ROKKEX — the cryptocurrency exchange with a focus on cybersecurity! It’s live!

ROKKEX Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform Introduction

The current cryptocurrency exchange industry is mostly divided into small, poorly managed, or outdated exchanges and large exchanges with huge volumes, which are usually faked and the cold storage is untransparent. ROKKEX seeks to fill this gap by providing a modern cryptocurrency exchange platform for everyone: the cryptocurrency exchange is both easy and intuitive and at the same time it has the desired functions pack for advanced traders.

ROKKEX, the team behind secure revolutionary products, is eager to announce that Cryptocurrency Exchange is live!

The new platform is an all-in-one cryptocurrency exchange service — an end-to-end solution aimed at exchanging and trading cryptocurrency in a secure, transparent, and intuitive manner, that adhere to the best practices of KYC and AML.

“We were enlightened with the idea of building a highly protected and transparent crypto exchange, the one crypto traders and regulators could trust,” said Lukas Krikstaponis, CEO of ROKKEX.

Initially, ROKKEX Cryptocurrency Exchange will be a single product under the brand, and later, after the forthcoming STO, it will be supplemented with Securities Exchange Platform that will provide exchange services for tokenized securities.

ROKKEX Product Features

Our exchange is built to meet today’s requirements for security, privacy, reliability, and speed. It is both open to cryptocurrency world newbies and friendly to the experienced traders that are tired of all the hassle that they might be facing on other exchange platforms. ROKKEX cryptocurrency exchange is built to provide only the best user experience — fast, simple and secure.


Security and reliability have been essential areas throughout the entire development cycle. We took extreme care and attention to protect every component of the ROKKEX cryptocurrency exchange, and at the same time, use advanced mechanisms to prevent possible attacks.

“We went the extra mile not only securing our platform but also securing our users’ accounts, guiding users towards higher and higher account security levels.”, noted Evaldas Usas, CISO of ROKKEX.

Intuitive Interface

One of the most worrisome reasons why people are reluctant to join the cryptocurrency industry is an unfriendly and complicated interface. First, we defined the simplest way to trade cryptocurrency, added descriptions where needed, and then created an advanced trading view which is, as well, simple and user-friendly.


We believe that everything that happens in the cryptocurrency market should be transparent and easily accessible. That’s why our volumes and cold wallet reserves won’t be opaque, and everyone will observe how the business is going. Besides, we aim to disclose our team and events in the company as broadly as possible.

Ultra-Fast Trading Engine

All our technologies were created from scratch, including an incredibly fast trading engine. Designed with scalability in mind from day one the back-end systems can easily adapt to fast-growing traffic, accept and process hundreds of thousands of incoming order placement requests per second without skipping a beat.

Launch Assets

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Ripple (XRP)
  • Dash (DASH)
  • Stellar (XLM)
  • Monero (XMR)
  • Bitcoin Gold (BTG) (SOON)
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH) (SOON)
  • Ethereum Classic (ETC) (SOON)
  • Dogecoin (DOGE) (SOON)

Trading Pairs



The fiat-to-crypto trading service is currently limited; however, the work is in progress, and very soon, the traders will be able to make deposits right from their debit/credit cards!

ROKKEX Cryptocurrency Exchange is currently available for the European Union Countries although traders all over the world will be able to enjoy a secure and user-friendly cryptocurrency exchange platform shortly.

We are incredibly thrilled with all the work we have done and that we have accomplished everything that we intended to do in the initial announcements and much more. We are also proud to strictly adhere to our mission: Security, Intuitiveness, and Transparency.

Register on the Cryptocurrency Exchange Built by Cybersecurity Professionals!

At ROKKEX, we take security extremely seriously, and our crypto exchange is built on ‘Security First’ principle. We want to share our expertise with the broader public for the world to become happy, safe, and wise :)

If you have any ideas and suggestions, contact us at

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Security First! ROKKEX is a cryptocurrency exchange built by cybersecurity and fintech professionals. Start trading now!