ROKKEX Monthly News

3 min readNov 25, 2019


One more month has passed. Everyone is preparing for Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and the upcoming December holidays. We were busy in our crypto kitchen too, and it is time to share the latest ROKKEX updates with all of you.

Community Growth

We would like to start with more of a ‘thank you’ than an actual update. We have noticed a rapid growth in our community this month, and we are so happy. All of you motivate us to do more and do better every single day. This year we are the most thankful for those of you that believe in us, the ones that keep asking questions, those that help us learn and reach our milestones.

Homepage Redesign

Our team is very excited to welcome you to our shiny, thoroughly re-designed ROKKEX homepage. It feels like a great new haircut or decluttered clean home just in time for the holidays. The new design is easy to use, focused on the essentials, and simple (as per the best possible meaning of this word).

New Bank and faster SEPA

After testing our payment processes, we have decided to find a solution to implement faster SEPA payments. Thus we have found a new bank to handle these transactions. Some updates are still on the way, but the main switch has already been done.

ROKKEX STO has ended

We have already reported this on our social media. Our Security Token Offering (STO) has reached the finish line. We have not reached the Soft Cap. Thus we are returning the collected funds to our investors. But do not worry, this does not affect the operating of the ROKKEX Cryptocurrency Exchange.

What Should You Be Looking Forward To?

This time we would also like to share some teasers of what are we working on at the moment. There are a few things that we just cannot wait to share, and we hope you will be just as excited.

First of all, we are working on some updates that will enable credit card support on our platform. This means you will be able to deposit money to your ROKKEX account straight from your card.

Secondly, the team has been working on this milestone for a few weeks now. It is, without a doubt, one of the biggest and most exciting updates — ROKKEX Exchange mobile app. We are not able to give you an ETA just yet, but we can give you a first look 😉

Last, but not least, we are working on one special partnership that we will be announcing pretty soon. We are not able to say anything more right now, but stay tuned!

At ROKKEX, we take security extremely seriously, and our crypto exchange is built on ‘Security First’ principle. We want to share our expertise with the broader public for the world to become happy, safe, and wise.

If you have any ideas and suggestions, contact us at

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Security First! ROKKEX is a cryptocurrency exchange built by cybersecurity and fintech professionals. Start trading now!