5 min readJul 26, 2019


On August 26, ROKKEX will start Security Token Offering. What, When, and How? In this article, we’re going to answer all the Frequently Asked Questions and a little bit more.

What is ROKKEX?

ROKKEX is the team of specialists in cybersecurity, banking, and legal spheres. We united to deliver the products that are highly secure and user-friendly.

We believe, the cryptocurrency industry is full of “fakes” — unfair, intransparent, exposed to cyberattacks, and useless cryptocurrency exchanges. And we want to suggest something that will attract more people to the industry.

Today, we aim to deliver 2 exceptional platforms — Cryptocurrency Exchange (live in Q3, 2019) and Security Tokens Exchange (live in 2020 after STO).

Get acquainted with ROKKEX in 60-seconds video or meet each C-level member in their interviews, like this one with our CLO.

Why is ROKKEX special?

Cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is our main focus. We’ll assemble as much money as necessary to ensure the highest protection to our traders, users, and investors.

What is STO?

STO is an abbreviation from Security Token Offering — the way of fundraising on the blockchain platform, ensuring the investor’s most possible protection.

Simply put, STO = ICO + IPO.

An investor is issued with a digital token that falls under the status of securities: debt, derivatives, or equity.

What kind of security token ROKKEX is issuing?

ROKKEX security token is a token-based bond that represents a debt obligation to our investors. Our token represents an obligation to pay 15% of gross profit to our investors (note, it’s not the net profit).

What is ROKKEX STO for?

After collecting money on Security Token Offering, we’ll create an exchange for security tokens — ROKKEX Securities Exchange Platform.

The platform will solve an issue related to liquidity, which is the major obstacle that stops the adoption of security tokens.

It makes the issuance procedure convenient and also assists in making all the required documentation and legal processes completely compliant with securities regulations.

What regulations does ROKKEX STO comply with?

Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017 on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a regulated market (“Prospectus Regulation”)

Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments (“MiFID II”)

Securities Market Act of the Republic of Estonia

As well as Reg D.

How to invest in ROKKEX STO?

A link for the investment will be available on the sale date. An investor will have to go through the KYC procedure, add her/his ETH wallet to which the tokens will be sent later, and then choose the most suitable option for investment: fiat, ETH, BTC, LTC, BCH. Right now, you can receive all the necessary information about STO via our social media channels.

How do I verify that I am an accredited investor?

You will be asked to verify your accredited investor status at by submitting documentary evidence of your annual income or net worth.

What are the dates of ROKKEX STO?

ROKKEX Security Token Offering will be held in 3 stages:

  1. Pre Sale AUG 26 — SEP 23
  2. Soft Cap SEP 23 — OCT 21
  3. Hard Cap OCT 21 — NOV 18

On the earliest stages, a discount is included:

  1. Pre Sale — 1 security token = €0.85
  2. Soft Cap — 1 security token = €0.95
  3. Hard Cap — 1 security token = €1.00

Who cannot invest in the ROKKEX security token?

The citizens of the countries listed in the FATF (Financial Action Task Force) current list of high-risk and other supervised jurisdictions cannot participate in the token sale. The list of non-cooperative countries with weak measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CFT) includes Iran, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Bahamas, Botswana, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Pakistan, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, and Yemen.

Investors from countries in which the subsequent public offering of the token is not permitted are excluded from participating in the ROKKEX’s STO. A politically exposed person (PEP) cannot buy ROKKEX security token.

Are any U.S. states excluded from the offering?

We will not offer RKX tokens for sale in the fiat offering within Arizona, Nebraska, North Dakota, or Texas or to any resident of those states.

Why can’t residents in Texas, North Dakota, Nebraska and Arizona purchase in the offering?

ROKKEX aims to offer the RKX tokens as broadly as possible. However, we have excluded certain states from the cash offering, including Texas, North Dakota, Arizona, and Nebraska, that assert that issuers like ROKKEX, who sell their own securities without employing a registered broker-dealer, need to register as dealers with the state in order to sell their own securities.

What is the periodicity of profit sharing?

Quarterly according to Gross Profit Model.

Is there an exchange where I can buy and sell RKX tokens?

There is currently no authorized exchange for buying and selling RKX tokens. However, if we conduct a successful STO, the raised funds will be used to build our own exchange enabling the trading of securities tokens, including RKX tokens. If you see RKX listed on an exchange, please let us know at as the listing may be illegal or a scam.

Can I sell or transfer RKX tokens directly to someone else?

It may be possible to sell or transfer ROKKEX directly to another person in a peer-to-peer transaction. We recommend that you consult an attorney before engaging in such a transaction, especially if buying from or selling to a U.S. person or entity, as we cannot give you legal or regulatory advice. Moreover, ROKKEX is going to have a restriction period of 6 to 12 months when the allocated RKX tokens will be locked in investors’ wallets and no transfer during that period will be possible.

Who can access Securities Exchange Platform?

Initially, after getting the license all EU users will be able to use the platform. But we’re always thinking of expanding so the exchange will be available for people all around the world.

Do we plan to make IEO?

No, because we’re doing an STO :) It’s way more secure and legally based.

Do we plan to make an airdrop and/or a bounty?

No and maybe. As ROKKEX is doing an STO, we aren’t allowed to do any airdrops due to regulations.

The bounty program is possible, and we may soon introduce one.

You’re always welcome to share your feedback and ask questions on our social media channels:

Telegram | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Reddit | Instagram

Stay secure!




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