How do create a strong password for Roku com link account

2 min readNov 19, 2019


When you want to create Roku com link account, we recommend you choose a strong password to help prevent unauthorized access to your personal detail. When creating or changing your password, keep the following guidelines in mind.

Roku Com Link

1. To help keep your Roku com link account setup do your personal information secure; it is crucial to be smart and use caution when creating a password for your Roku account.

2. Use at least eight characters; Your Roku account password should include at least eight characters, but using more encourages and makes your password more secure.

3. Include numbers, symbols, lowercase, and uppercase letters. Instead of using a word, as it appears in a dictionary, add numbers, symbols, and lower parts and uppercase, especially where you were expected. It is more difficult to guess passwords that contain a mixture of characters.

4. Use a strong password; Avoid using the same password for your Roku com activate that you use for other services. If one of your accounts is compromised and your password is exposed, then all accounts sharing the same password are unsafe.

5. Try to base your password on a sentence or phrase — something personal you will remember. For example, using the numbers and initial letters from each word, the sentence “My brother John lives at 32 Elm Street” becomes “MbJra32ES”. The result is a strong password that is easy to remember, but difficult for an attacker to guess.

What to Avoid?

1. Never use your login or username. Repeating your login or username as the password is a horrible password that offers little security.

2. Do not use dictionary words. Stay away from words as they appear in the dictionary, or a combination of dictionary words. Any word on its own is terrible, and a combination of a few words, especially if they are apparent, is also wrong. For example, “house” is a weak password, and “brick house” is not much better.

3. Do not reuse old passwords. As a precaution, avoid using a password that you previously used.

4. Avoid typing your password. This may sound obvious, but avoid typing your password — don’t put it on a sticky note and keep it on your computer. If you need to type your password, hide it carefully where no one will find it.

If you face any trouble while creating your Roku account, then don’t hop on here and there to seek guidance.




We have rich industry experience. Roku devices are used by a substantial ratio of people, and many of them seek expert’s help for the Roku com link.