2 min readMar 22, 2020


An agnostics has an open minded philosophy; his mind is open, it let’s truth in. An atheist has made his mind up; the door’s shut to new information. An agnostic is always observing; his world view, he constantly renews. Becoming a wise man; his instincts and convictions, he considers and reviews. The atheists mind is a closed shop; he won’t let new theories in. It’s ironic, just like a religion; the mind’s shut, conversely, to none-material things.

An open mind casts a new light; on something that’s unexplained. Lightbulb moments, for an agnostic; hidden mysteries unpeel away. Revealing pearls of wisdom; he’s richer in experience. His open mind, he never takes for granted; observes and takes what he wants. Never because he’s told or read, or because ‘somebody said’; but the information is examined to see if it resonates instead. Who said it, is not of relevance; do the words stand up on their own?

A word to the wise: A strong man’s thinking, always stands alone.

An open mind is a truly positive virtue; to be pursued and attained. Wise words come in many guises; the result is always the same. Often sneak up on you; at the most unexpected time. Common sense confirms; when you’ve heard words that are wise.

‘Subject closed, the Universe is accidental matter’; hardly imbues wisdom’s sense. If asked to consider alternatives, shut your mind? Is the subject out of bounds?

Agnostic versus atheist, completely different themes.

The question at the end of the day: Are we really what we eat?

(Yet all experience ultimately leads to wisdom).




Passionate about truth, and getting others to think for themselves, fulfilling the potential we each have. To break away from dogmas and preconceived notions.