5 min readJan 20, 2020


Dear Scientists,

Something that’s been bothering me for a while now….

Our scientists surely know best. They are the most highly educated, and at the top of their field. The word ‘Eminence’ springs to mind. Where they are at, is the culmination of all the great thinkers through all the centuries. I should be able to put my thinking on the shelf, because these brilliant minds, with clusters of 2. 1 degrees and PHD’S surely are better placed than bone headed me, to know what’s going on, and how I originated.

But then being strong headed, as I am, I like to confront what this wall of certainty tells me is how, if I used my noggin correctly, I ought to think. So I’d like to put aside these brilliant thinkers for a moment, and consider THE COMMON COLD.

Have you noticed, when you’re down, feeling a little depressed, things are not going well, that’s when you can succumb to a cold?

You feel something coming on, put up a fight, but are met by an equal and opposite force, that doesn’t give up until it’s won. You fight it any way you can, but it beats you.

You acknowledge you’re defeated, tolerate the infirmity, then go through the recuperation process, eventually recovering. Possibly thereafter with renewed vigor, having gone through the illness.

A question to my esteemed scientists….

I FIND IT STRANGE, how my mood had a real impact on my physical health.

If, as you would have us believe, our mental and emotional state comes about as a product of our material structure; cosmic dust, atoms and molecules, how can the reverse process from the mind, affects the body?

Wrong way round, isn’t it?

However, stupid me would like to continue this train of thought. Please bear with me and correct me later.

Self belief, (call it positivity), has now been restored. The minor battle against my cold, has distracted me from the original battle against feeling low. This has now offered me temporary positivity.

So, the question that’s really bugging me is….

What if you’ve made a mistake, and it actually is the other way around: Our physicality was the product of out mentality? What if the physical Universe was the product of a ‘Universal mentality’?

What would be the implications of that?

Now this would make sense to me, and explain how my mood, affected by my circumstances, has now affected my body. (All those atoms and molecules).

But I’m sure of course our brilliant scientists have a genetically coded answer for that. I am a basic layman…. though I do like to think. And when things don’t add up for me, I always like to ask the question, why?

It would seem reasonable to me to suggest that the cold was caused by feeling depressed, which in turn was a product of the mind.

Is that the case, or am I missing something?

However, please follow my thoughts further…. The step before:

The possibility my lack of positivity caused the depression….

How I am thinking, affected my body. A positive attitude brims with positive health. A negative one undermines my health. In this case, the lack of faith in my circumstances was the trigger that created the cold.

I don’t mean a lack of faith in being able to beat the cold. Once it had arrived, it was too late; game up. It would fight me until it had won, and I lay down my arms and surrender.

Which, by the way, begs the question: Why couldn’t I beat the cold, once it had begun? Unless this is a simple cause and effect scenario where each and every force is met by equal and opposite resistance. Or to quote Newton’s third law: ‘For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction’.

But of course scientists today would probably tell me that Newton too is ‘old hat’, and with quantum physics, cause and effect is not applicable. However, I am digressing.

But it does seem that when I gave up the fight, my opponent gave up too!

So, getting back to my cold….

The lack of faith in myself was the step before encountering the cold. This lack was the one that caused the depression in the first place. I had allowed my positivity to slip. I had allowed doubt into my life, that I was capable of dealing with what life had thrown at me. This seems to me to be the root of my cold.

I must be honest and say, it would be a sweeping comment to say colds always occur this way. But it does offer a strong argument for maintaining a positive approach to life, don’t you agree?

It seems to me, life is intended to offer us challenges, and thereby gaining more strength through overcoming and achieving. But that of course would be meaningless if we are mearly accidental products of clusters of atoms and molecules, wouldn’t it?

But getting back….

I’d given up. I’d opened the gate to the enemy: My lack of faith in myself. My lack of faith in the Universe, and the question of whether I had a meaningful part to play in it. But then that’s looking at it from the point of view of an intelligent conscious Universe, which you would clearly inform me is rubbish, because I am not one of those well educated scientists who would know better.

So I must condescend to say I may be misinformed and mistaken, because all those scientists clearly have it sussed out better than me. Please tell me!

But then, nearly done….

It got me thinking of another aspect of how different people respond to what life throws at them….


This sounds like Darwin theory of evolution. We might have common ground here.

Losers create obstacles. They can no longer see solutions. The insurmountable wall starts to become a reality, which reinforces the dilemma caused by negativity. The result: Defeated before they’ve started.

Winners, by contrast, spend their time problem solving. They acknowledge that the challenge is there to be met. And eventually they achieve their objective and create an even more positive aspect, waiting for the next opportunity to prove their strength.

It’s a step by step process. They don’t begin brilliant. All the lessons and skills must be learnt. This I know you would tell me this is how atoms and molecules ‘learn’.

However, in the atom and molecular Universe, why should it matter? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and all that. Consciousness is irrelevant and doomed.

So, to finish….

Clearly, as the blockhead I am, this must be an embarrassing, if not slightly convoluted thought process for you scientists, though I’m sure you get my gist. I do apologise,as I kneel before the high priests of science and repent for my inner convictions that tell me; I exist, but my molecular body isn’t me. I repent from my conviction that intelligent thought has produced my molecular body. And I lay myself down before you, the high priests of material certainty.

However, as much as I repent, I cannot in true honesty shake my convictions.

Consciousness creates material? Or material creates consciousness?

My thinking created a physical cold? Or my physical cold had no mental source?

As the atoms said to the molecules: “Think for yourself. Believe in yourself”, as they were stirred around the petri dish.

RSVP: (Roland Mazopoli).




Passionate about truth, and getting others to think for themselves, fulfilling the potential we each have. To break away from dogmas and preconceived notions.