Disclosing AI-Assisted Writing

Adhering to Medium’s Disclosure Requirement

Rolfe Dlugy-Hegwer
2 min readJul 30, 2023
Photo by Toni Koraza on Unsplash

Publishing platforms such as Medium mandate including a disclosure statement when using AI assistance in writing. According to Medium’s quality standards, stories lacking AI disclosure are limited in distribution to only the writer’s or the publication’s followers. Medium expresses its position as follows:

We welcome the responsible use of AI-assistive technology on Medium. To promote transparency and help set reader expectations, we require that any story created with AI assistance be clearly labeled as such.

Consistent Disclosure: A Challenge

The consistent implementation of AI disclosure can take time and effort. It necessitates copying the disclosure from a predefined file and pasting it into the footer of the story. Often, writers must remember to do this before publishing, leading to post-publication edits. An ideal feature on Medium would prompt the inclusion of a standard disclosure during every story publication.

Using ChatGPT’s Custom Instructions: A Solution

Incorporating the disclosure into ChatGPT’s custom instructions presents a viable solution. The implementation looks like this:

Include the following text at the end of every response: “(Disclosure: I ideate and draft content in a text editor, refine it with the aid of paid artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT and Grammarly, and revise it to reflect my intended message.)”

By automating the disclosure’s inclusion, it becomes an integral part of the publication workflow, increasing the chances of its consistent implementation.

Grammarly and AI

Clarification is required about the use of Grammarly, another widely used tool. It’s confirmed that Grammarly utilizes AI technology in its GrammarlyGo tool and its standard grammar and spell-checking interface. Given this fact and the similar functionality of Grammarly and ChatGPT, it is appropriate to disclose the use of both in the writing process.

Previously published as Example of how to disclose AI. Which version to you like most?

(Disclosure: I ideate and draft content in a text editor, refine it with artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT and Grammarly and revise it to reflect my intended message.)



Rolfe Dlugy-Hegwer

Principal Tech Writer with a passion for cinema. Sorbonne alum, family man, dog lover, writer by day and night. Walking with audiobooks.