10 Rare and Weird Deep Ocean Fish

Rolif Refo
7 min readOct 13, 2016


Deep Sea Fish Species - The sea is salty waters and very broad, so dominates most areas of the world. Thus it is impossible if the largest area in the world is uninhabited. Under the sea, there is a lot of variety of plants and animals.

Sea is also a habitat for living things in it, such as various species of fish, coral reefs, marine mammals and small animals of the sea. The farther depths of the sea, there will be underwater creatures that are strange and rare.

Underwater deepest point ever discovered is 11 kilometers, which is in the Mariana Trench, the Philippines. You must be wondering, whether there are marine animals such as fish that are deep in the ocean depths there? Let’s take look, 10 species of marine fish in a strange and rare below.


1. Shark Goblin


Goblin sharks, with the scientific name of the species Mitsukurina Owstoni is living under water. This animal is referred to as a “living fossil”, because the goblin shark is the only extant species of the family Mitsukurinidae, with lineage some 125 million years old.

Characteristic of the pink-skinned animal has a long snout cheek with a prominent jaw and teeth like nails to protrude. The length of this goblin shark can reach 3 to 4 meters in adulthood.

Usually the goblin shark is in the upper continental slope, submarine canyon, and seamounts worldwide at depths of over 100 meters. The more adult the shark, the more it’s going further away in the depths of the sea.

Goblin sharks are moving slowly, because it has a soft body and fins are small. As prey, this species will hunt teleost fish, squid, and crustaceans. With long snouts allow can snap up prey with its jaws.

2. Crab Spiders


The spider crab is a crab species that live in the depths of the Sea of ​​Japan. The main characteristic of this species is to have the longest legs belonging among all arthropods, to a length of 3.8 meters. His body can grow up to 40 centimeters and can weigh up to 19 kilograms.

Besides having a great physique, spider crab is different from the other crab species. This crab is orange with white spots all over her feet. Although it looks horrible, spider crab is known friendly.

Japanese spider crab is usually found in the south sea islands of Honshu, Japan. Adult crabs was found at a depth of 50–600 meters, typically hide in the holes and channels in the sea part.

3. Anglerfish


Anglerfish fish tentacle or double, with another name Lophiiformes sala one order is true bony fish that were in the deep sea. Its habitat is located in the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

The main characteristic of the order Lophiiformes fish looks striking with a huge head and wide. Anglerfish is also one of the carnivorous fish, with a large mouth and pointy toothed. To search for prey, the fish dives to the sea floor.

Anglerfish have an antenna that is on the mouth and can be moved about to attract prey to be attacked. Often anglerfish rise to the surface to feed on sea birds.

4. Fish Fangtooth


Fangtooth fish characterized by a terrible face, including one of the rare species of fish that live at a depth of 5 kilometers from the sea surface. That characterize the other is to have teeth like fangs long and pointy and has a strong jaw.

These fish include species that have teeth relatively greatest among the species size. Her teeth were used to prey on and chew food, to be able to devour larger prey.

5. Frilly Sharks


Frilly shark, known by the scientific name Chlamydoselachus Anguineus is one of the ancient fish still exist, but rare existence. This shark is one of the extant species in the family Chlamydoselachidae. This species is rarely found to exist in the upper continental slope.

Usually frilled shark can be found at a depth of 1,570 meters. At the Suruga Bay, Japan, these sharks can be found at a depth of 50–200 meters. This shark is also known as a living fossil, because it often indicates the primitive nature.

This shark has 2 meters long and dark brown. With the dorsal fin, pelvic, and rectal are behind on making frilled shark’s body looks like an eel. Frilled shark will subdue prey by bending his body and lunged forward. Long jaws can adjust if it will subdue larger prey.

6. Eel Gulper


Gulper eels, known by the scientific name Pelacanoides Eurypharynx one of the animals that were in the deep sea. This species differs from other eel, fins chest size is very small, but the mouth is much larger than his body.

Gulper eel is usually located in water depths of about 3000 meters and can grow larger than submarines.

7. Pacific viperfish


Viperfish fish, known by the scientific name of the species Iat Chauliodontidae including bathypelagic family. The fish is usually located on the seabed. Its presence can be found in the ocean everywhere, except in the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean.

Pacific viperfish can only grow up to 35 centimeters. These fish prefer to be at a depth of 500–4000 meters. At a certain moment the fish can make a significant vertical migration, rising to the surface at night and returned to the base at noon.

8. Fish Stargazer


Stargazer fish, known by the scientific name Astroscopus guttatus is a species of deep-sea fish that are typical spooky face, because the shape of his eyes were bulging. Stargazer fish living in habitats that are unusual and hard to find. Sometimes the fish appear only at night.

Usually this stargazer fish hiding in the sand bottom of the ocean and only showed his face only. If you look at passing prey, then the fish will soon be grabbing prey.

9. The giant isopod


The giant isopod, with the scientific name Bathynomus giganteus is a giant flea who lives in the deep sea. Giant sea lice is one of 20 other species of isopods, and still belongs to the family Crustasea. The giant isopod can be found in the cold waters in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.

Giganteus has an average length of between 19 and 36 centimeters, with a maximum weight of 1.7 kilograms and a maximum length of 76 centimeters. Giant sea lice are scavengers animals that were in the deep sea. They are generally found in the sub-littoral zone of the dark at a depth of 170 meters up to the limit of darkness at a depth of 2,140 meters.

This isopod included as carnivores that prey on whale carcasses, fish, and squid. However, sea lice can also be an active predator to prey moving slowly like sea cucumbers, sponges, radiolarians, nematodes and other sea animals.

Giant sea lice is believed to have a reproductive cycle that peaked in spring and winter. This is due to the decrease in the number of sources of food during the summer. These species reproduce by laying eggs.

10. Giant Squid


The calamari giant, has the scientific name is a kind of Genus Architeuthis squid living in the deep sea. This species is the largest cephalopod in the family Architeuthidae. The maximum length of the fin posterior to the tip of the tentacles can reach 13 meters and 10 meters females to males.

Predators are only feared by adult Architeuthis are sperm whales and pilot whales. The giant squid can be found throughout the world’s oceans, usually located near the continental and island slopes of the Atlantic Ocean.

Source : Deweezz.com

