Roman Empire Game
2 min readMar 19, 2022


27 B.C

The most prosperous era of the Roman Empire began in 27 BC.
The Senate ceded power to a single eminent citizen: the Emperor.
Due to new conquests and the establishment of Rome as the leading city in the then-known world, the imperial period was characterized by a period of prosperity and splendor.

The road is long…. and Rome wasn’t built in a day.


ROMANUS is an ERC721 NFT that can be minted for 1.8 AVAX each and it will be your entry ticket for the game. Once staked in the URBS, it produces 25 $USUS per hour.

Whitelist limit: 6 ROMANUS per player, with a total limit of 2000.

We did not want to create any inequality within the Romans. We believe in a democratic game that can give to every player the same chance of final victory in the Colosseum Arena.

There are no-rarity tiers.

Sneak peek ROMANUS


The URBS is the official meeting point of the ROMANUS of all the territories of the Empire: they go there to participate — or simply to assist — in the political, administrative and economic affairs that concern the community to which they belong.

You can stake your ROMANUS in the URBS for producing $USUS.


$USUS is the inflationary token produced by the ROMANUS when staked in the URBS.

Use $USUS to mint more ROMANUS and earn more $USUS.

$USUS will be crucial for producing $DENARIO the deflationary token that will be discussed in the next CODEX.

$DENARIO will be needed for training your ROMANUS before sending them to the Colosseum.

$USUS Token

We will release periodic explains on each phase of the game, breaking each part down in detail so you the player, can craft your strategy……

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Why is $DENARIO so important? Why do ROMANUS need it for the Colosseum Arena?

We will explain you everything in the coming week 🥁🥁🥁

Website: https://www.romanempire-game.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RomanEmpireGam3
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/romanempiregame



Roman Empire Game

“Rome wasn’t mint in a day”: New P2E game on Avalanche network🔺