Roman Empire Game
2 min readMar 26, 2022


117 AD

The Empire reached its peak under Trajan, with a total size of 5 million square kilometers. The population estimate of 55–60 million people corresponded to one-sixth to one-fourth of the entire world’s population.
Rome became the world’s most powerful nation.

The road is difficult…. and Rome was not built in a day.


As a consequence of Rome’s growth, the introduction of a new currency for trading became crucial. As a result, Emperor Trajan instituted the $DENARIO.

$DENARIO is deflationary, it has a maximum supply of 1,100,000 and it will be divided in the following way:

  • 1,000,000: is used as staking-reward to those who contribute to the USUS:AVAX pool.
  • 100,000: goes to the initial liquidity of the pair USUS-DENARIO.


GLADIUS is a ER721 NFT that can be minted using $DENARIO.

But why is GLADIUS so special?
Well, ROMANUS have to train before the final battle Arena in the Colosseum.

Staking ROMANUS provides benefits that will aid them in the final phase of the game. The longer they are staked the more they benefit.

The GLADIUS, on the other hand, allows them to exercise more intensely, allowing them to build strength significantly more quickly than a ROMANUS who is not equipped.


There is a 99% chance of minting a normal GLADIUS and 1% chance of a goldenGLADIUS.

  • GLADIUS can be staked with only 1 Romanus to improve the rate of strength gain.
  • Common GLADIUS increases the training rate by 3x.
  • Golden GLADIUS increases the training rate by 5x.

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Time has come. Next week the full official Whitepaper containing everything we introduced in these 3 CODEX will be released.

We will explain you everything in the next week 🥁🥁🥁

Website: https://www.romanempire-game.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RomanEmpireGam3
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/romanempiregame



Roman Empire Game

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