InfernoJS meets Apollo in a functional way [part 2]

Roman Zanettin
4 min readFeb 25, 2017


A few days have passed since my first post about the functional interagation of InfernoJS and Apollo. Today I’ve updated the inferno-apollo-demo with a plain routing config and props based graphQL querying.

What’s new

  • added infero-router (with a plain route configuration)
  • added ‘FilmDetail’ component
  • updated dependencies

Inferno-Router with plain route configuration

The inferno-router is a port of the react-router and provides almost the same API. The JSX implementation of the Router could look something like this:

<Router history={browserHistory}>
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<IndexRoute component={Home} />
<Route path="films" component={Films} />
<Route path="/*" component={NoMatch} />

But in the demo app we use a functional way without the JSX wrapping.
So that’s a solution useable in react already called plain route:

const route = [
path : '/',
component : App,
indexRoute : {
component : Home
childRoutes : [
path : 'films',
component : Films
path : '/*',
component : NoMatch

Doesn’t look to complicated, right? Just a plain object tree reflection of the JSX solution. What you prefer is totally up to you. Both solutions transpile to a createElement(component, props) function call at the end. Currently a PR is open to bring this functionality also to the inferno-router.

Film Detail component

This component is new and handles the detail view of a film. Since the other components are already described in part 1, let’s dive right into its implementation.

The detail query

const query = gql`
query FilmDetail($filmId: ID!) {
node(id: $filmId) {
type: __typename
... on Film {

Let’s go line by line through this query.

query FilmDetail($filmId: ID!) {

First we define the query and call it FilmDetail . We pass this query a parameter like we would do on normal functions. We tell graphQL, that we want to use a variable called $filmID of type ID .

node(id: $filmId) {

On the next line we querying the graphQL node called node by using the before defined variable $filmId .

type: __typename

__typename is a selector option in graphQL. It tells us, what type the fetched node implements. In our case we know that we just pass IDs of film nodes, but if we don’t know it and want to change something on the front end, this is how you could get the type. type is just a name alias in this example. So we could get the type by using instead of .

... on Film {

With ... on Film we tell graphQL on which fields we’re interested if the node is of type Film . If the node is not of type Film , all we get is the type . The other fields wont exist on !

Define the query variable

GraphQL knows, that we will pass a variable called $filmId before the request will be sent. But where do we define the variable and its value?

In our example app it is defined in the compose section of the FilmDetail component and looks like this:

graphql(query, {
options : (props) => ({
variables : {
filmId :,

The graphQL function gets as first param our query. The second param is a object where we can define some settings for this request. In our case we just use the options key.

Since we want to use our component props, the value of the options key has to be a function. This function will be called, when the FilmDetail component receives its props. The return value of the options function is a object containing all variables we’d like to pass to graphQL. In our case it’s just one key named filmId (please make sure, that you don’t use $ here) with the value contained in . This id is provided by the inferno-router.

Okay and that’s it. Happy hacking and exploring!

If your new to inferno and/or to graphQL, please check out the first part of this story.

Hope you enjoyed reading this and hopefully trying some queries on your own. If you have any questions leave me a note or ping me on @roman_zanettin also on twitter.



Roman Zanettin

frontend lead engineer, JavaScript and functional programming enthusiast, graphQL, love to discover new programming approaches and patterns.